Chapter 6-7

Create a Competitive Analysis / SWOT to position your company in the market

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Chapter 6-7 von Mind Map: Chapter 6-7

1. Sexuality Context

1.1. Brazil central issue is sexuality/ more concerned with the buttock. "sex-positive attitude". Gossip exchanges.

1.1.1. Humor about sex. Being ignored is punishment. Interests in male homoeroticism. Two models: upper and lower class. Brazil is too essentialist/too "sex-negative"

1.2. "Comer: to eat" Consume females: viewed as negative.

1.2.1. Good sex: from boys to men. "Sacanagem": sexual excitement. Dangerous men: padastros (stepfathers) Male sexuality is public and private. Loose girls/ already experienced. flighty.

2. Rape

2.1. Wants to kill husband. "hard to kill". Terror: laughter is truly out of place. 14 and 15 year old daughter Anita and Claudia are raped. Also a wristwatch of Ignacio is stolen. 1988.

2.1.1. Loss of virginity. Place hot pepper on vaginal areas is virginity was lost/fear. Anita is pregnant, but from boyfriend Gabriel, not rape. Wanted stomach ulcer pills/remedies to abort the baby/said to be irresponsible pregnancy.

2.2. Wanted Ignacio to be broken up with/bad father/nasty abuse/considered after rape.

2.2.1. 1992: baby Gabriela is born Lower class women need more elite view of sexuality in court. Humor can only be understood in its place. "bad taste"