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The Gilded Age by Mind Map: The Gilded Age

1. Definition and Context

1.1. Term coined by Mark Twain to symbolize how the "success" was superficial and actually had lots of problems underneath

1.2. New Wealth :money_with_wings:

1.3. Corruption :handshake:

1.4. Rapid Growth of the US :cityscape:

1.5. Forgettable Presidents :man_in_business_suit_levitating:

1.5.1. James Garfield: assassinated because he wouldn't give a job to a supporter

1.5.2. Chester Arthur: urged Congress to pass Pendleton Civil Service Act Made it so that only qualified people got govt. jobs

1.5.3. Grover Cleveland: only president so far to serve 2 non-consecutive presidential terms

1.5.4. Benjamin Harrison: tariffs, civil rights bill

1.5.5. William McKinley: also assassinated

2. Politics

2.1. Republicans :elephant:

2.1.1. Controlled the presidency most of the time after Civil War

2.1.2. Business Support

2.1.3. Civil Rights Decline

2.1.4. Protective Tariffs

2.1.5. Factions over the Spoils System Stalwarts: pro spoils system Half-Breeds: anti spoils system

2.2. Democrats :racehorse:

2.2.1. Controlled the House of Representatives most of the time after the Civil War

2.2.2. Opposition to Tariffs

2.2.3. Support for Segregation

2.2.4. Political Machines (Tammany Hall) and corruption Gave support to immigrants in exchange for the promise of votes

3. Urban Life

3.1. Excitement over New Tech

3.1.1. Subways

3.1.2. Skyscrapers

3.2. Poor Conditions

3.2.1. Filth

3.2.2. Overcrowding

3.2.3. Tenement housing Mainly immigrants settled here Often no indoor plumbing/ventilation

3.2.4. Great Chicago Fire (1871) :fire:

4. Immigration

4.1. Push Factors :arrow_forward:

4.1.1. Famine :bread:

4.1.2. Unemployment :chart_with_downwards_trend:

4.1.3. War :warning:

4.2. Pull Factors :arrow_left:

4.2.1. Economy :moneybag:

4.2.2. Job opportunities :briefcase:

4.2.3. Peace :peace_symbol:

4.3. Key Ports

4.3.1. Angel Island - Asian Immigrants

4.3.2. Ellis Island - European Immigrants

5. African American Beliefs

5.1. W.E.B. DuBois

5.1.1. Felt that African Americans deserved complete equality

5.2. Booker T. Washington

5.2.1. Focused on skills and trades training to achieve economic equality first

5.2.2. Some criticized him for not being aggressive enough

6. Education

6.1. More high schools :school:

6.2. Increased literacy :book:

6.3. More teacher training colleges :teacher:

6.4. Kindergarten :child:

6.5. South lagged behind in education

6.6. Morrill Act (1862)

6.6.1. Land grant colleges

6.6.2. Focused on agriculture, engineering, and military

7. Populism

7.1. Deflation after the Civil War hurt farmers :chart_with_downwards_trend:

7.2. Farmers wanted to cause inflation :chart_with_upwards_trend:

7.2.1. Printing more paper money (failed) :dollar:

7.2.2. Coining more silver coins (somewhat succeeded) :white_circle: Bland-Allison Act

7.2.3. Grange Movement :busts_in_silhouette: Social group for farmers to discuss problems

7.2.4. Farmers' Alliance :farmer: More formal group that advocated for change for farmers

7.2.5. Populist Party :tada: Key Demand MAKE MORE SILVER COINS -> INFLATION Other Demands Graduated income tax Single term for Pres and Vice Pres Immigrant Restrictions Labor Union support 8 hour work day Purpose: to make change in government by getting populists elected

8. Women's Suffrage

8.1. Suffrage: the right to vote :ballot_box_with_check:

8.2. National American Women's Suffrage Association

8.2.1. Tried to advocate to states to give women the right to vote :us:

8.3. Many suffragettes believed in temperance (anti-alcohol)

8.4. Reasons Against Suffrage :x:

8.4.1. "not a woman's place"

8.4.2. Factory owners scared of their votes for shorter work days

8.4.3. Liquor industry afraid of temperance

8.5. Other Reforms led by Women

8.5.1. Settlement Houses: Jane Addams

8.5.2. Christian values :latin_cross:

8.5.3. Carrie Nation/Temperance

8.5.4. Anti-Saloon League

9. Nativism

9.1. Anti-Immigration Movement

9.1.1. Nativists felt that immigrants caused wages to go down Immigrants often took whatever jobs they could Often didn't join unions/strikes

9.1.2. Nativists feared being "outbred" and "outvoted"

9.2. Anti-Catholic

9.2.1. American Protective Association

9.3. Chinese Exclusion Act :cn:

9.3.1. Banned Chinese immigration