1. Books In My Library
1.1. Adolf Hitler
1.1.1. John Toland
1.2. Age Of Analysis
1.2.1. Morton White
1.3. Atlas Shrugged
1.3.1. Ayn Rand
1.4. Cognitive Development
1.4.1. John H Flavell
1.5. Common Law
1.5.1. Oliver Wendell Holmes
1.6. Complete History of the United States
1.6.1. Clement Wood
1.7. Conscious Capitalism
1.7.1. John Mackey
1.8. Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless
1.8.1. Jeffrey Gitomer
1.9. Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead
1.9.1. Lucien Price
1.10. Fascist Tradition
1.10.1. John Weiss
1.11. Founding Brothers
1.11.1. Joseph J Ellis
1.12. Historical Jesus
1.12.1. John Dominic Crossan
1.13. History in the Making
1.13.1. Kyle Ward
1.14. Hitler's Pope
1.14.1. John Cornwell
1.15. Influence: Science and Practice
1.15.1. Robert B. Cialdini
1.16. Introduction to Business
1.16.1. Jeff Madura
1.17. Man The State And War
1.17.1. Kenneth N Waltz
1.18. Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil
1.18.1. John Berendt
1.19. Moral Dimensions Of Public Policy
1.19.1. Ralph Clark Chandler
1.20. People's History of the United States
1.20.1. Howard Zinn
1.21. Personality Disorders
1.21.1. Paul T Costa Jr and Thomas A Widiger
1.22. Pocket Acquinas
1.22.1. Acquinas
1.23. Poet's Companion
1.23.1. Kim Addonizio, Dorianne Laux
1.24. Power Shift
1.24.1. Various Authors
1.25. Power and Choice
1.25.1. W Phillips Shively
1.26. Power of Now
1.26.1. Eckhart Tolle
1.27. Power, Faith and Fantasy
1.27.1. Michael B Oren
1.28. Professional Impressions
1.28.1. Marjorie Brody
1.29. Psychology of Religion
1.29.1. David M Wulff
1.30. Research And Opinion On Public Policy
1.30.1. Hoover
1.31. Research and Opinion On Public Policy
1.31.1. Hoover
1.32. Soviet View of the American Past
1.32.1. Adlai E Stevenson
1.33. Stalin and His Times
1.33.1. Arthur E. Adams
1.34. Stoic Philosophy of Seneca
1.34.1. Moses Hadas
1.35. Western Societies
1.35.1. Brian Tierney, Joan Scott
2. Have Read
2.1. Introduction to Political Philosophy
2.1.1. Jonathan Wolff
2.2. Logic and Philosophy
2.2.1. Alan Hausman, Howard Kahane and Paul Tidman
2.3. Theory And Reality
2.3.1. Peter Godfrey Smith
2.4. Group Dynamics
2.4.1. Donelson R Forsyth
2.5. Economics for Dummies
2.5.1. Sean Flynn
3. Currently Reading
3.1. Civilization of the Middle Ages
3.1.1. Norman F Cantor
3.2. Economics Evolving
3.2.1. Agnar Sandmo
3.3. Introduction To Logic
3.3.1. Alfred Tarski
3.4. Introduction to Probability and Inductive Logic
3.4.1. Ian Hacking
3.5. Thinking and Deciding
3.5.1. Jonathan Baron