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Expert/Personal by Mind Map: Expert/Personal

1. Soft Power

1.1. Can be applied by people at any level.

1.2. a good charismatic leaders I assiociate with soft power and showing the expert trait that comes from bases of power.

1.2.1. perceived as a role model.

1.2.2. Self-confidence and conviction based on strongly held beliefs and values with which others can identify.

1.3. charismatic leadership

2. sources of power that do rely on one's position in an organization.

3. based on the individual's accomplishments.

4. Appeal to vision or higher purpose.

4.1. Key People

4.2. Description

4.3. Background

4.4. Key Stakeholders

5. commitment and a strong willingness to be influenced rather than to simply comply.

5.1. Objective

5.2. Objective

6. showing behaviors that others want to emulate.

6.1. Budget

6.2. People

6.3. Assets