User Experience Design

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User Experience Design by Mind Map: User Experience Design

1. The value of UX design

1.1. for the user

1.2. for the brand

1.3. Universal Design

1.4. Good Design Is Good Business

2. UX design as a user-centered design

2.1. variety of backgrounds

2.1.1. visual design

2.1.2. programming

2.1.3. psychology

2.1.4. interaction design

2.2. accessibility

2.2.1. physical limitations of users

2.3. UX designer’s typical tasks

2.3.1. research

2.3.2. creating personas

2.3.3. designing wireframes

2.3.4. interactive prototypes

2.3.5. testing designs

3. definiton

3.1. The overall experience a user has when interacting with a product or service

4. What is user experience (UX)?

4.1. UX is all about the user’s interaction or experience with a product or service.

4.2. UX isn’t limited to the digital space. Anything that can be experienced can be designed, for example the packaging of a toothbrush

5. What is user experience design (UXD)?

5.1. User experience design considers each and every element that shapes the user experience

5.2. how people interact with a given product?

5.3. making interactions as intuitive and straightforward as possible

6. To come up with viable, creative, and user-friendly design solutions, you need to:

6.1. analyze past experiences

6.2. research new practices

6.3. interview real or potential users

6.4. test, test and test your designs!

7. What kinds of projects do UX designers work on?

7.1. Website, App And Software Design

7.2. Voice Design

7.3. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)