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TOS by Mind Map: TOS

1. Definition

1.1. Graphic representation of course content.

1.2. Two-way chart aligning topics with objectives.

1.3. Basis for fair and valid assessments.

2. Purpose

2.1. Ensures content validity.

2.2. Aligns assessments with curriculum goals.

2.3. Provides transparency in test design.

3. Benefits

3.1. Fair Assessments

3.1.1. Balanced representation of topics and skills.

3.1.2. Avoids overemphasis or neglect of certain areas.

3.2. Clear Guidance

3.2.1. Helps teachers plan assessments.

3.2.2. Ensures test reliability and validity.

4. Challenges

4.1. Requires Planning

4.1.1. Careful alignment of content and objectives.

4.2. Time-Consuming

4.2.1. Developing a comprehensive TOS takes effort.

4.3. Understanding Taxonomy

4.3.1. Teachers may need training to apply Bloom’s levels accurately.

5. Components

5.1. Content areas

5.1.1. Topics and lessons to be tested.

5.1.2. E.g., Math (algebra, geometry), English (Writing, Speaking).

5.2. Objectives

5.2.1. Bloom's Taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Appliation Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

6. Structure

6.1. Two-way chart

6.1.1. Content areas on one axis

6.1.2. Cognitive levels/objectives on the other.

6.2. Distribution of items

6.2.1. Assigning test items to each intersection.

6.2.2. Ensures balanced coverage of content and skills.

7. Steps to create TOS

7.1. Identify content areas (topics/lessons).

7.2. Define objectives for each area.

7.3. Assign weightage to each intersection.

7.4. Review and revise for balance.