Alnoire's Items & Effects

Alnoire's Items and Effects, DIG2783

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Alnoire's Items & Effects by Mind Map: Alnoire's Items & Effects

1. Weapons

1.1. Alnorian Sword

1.1.1. Made of a plethora of different metals Steel polished and refined Iron slight polish, but made rather cheaply Platinum Reflective sheen on the sword itself, the highest quality Silver Polished and very sleek

1.1.2. Higher-End swords have grooves at the center that promote mana flow through the sword allowing for certain magical infusions When infused with magic, swords sport a cyan glow, the natural color of mana

1.1.3. All swords feature a crossguard and leather wrapped grips

1.2. Combat Knife

1.2.1. Steel or Silver blades Steel and Silver are similar in appearance when it comes to knives Polished, metallic sheen

1.2.2. Leather grip Leather grip helps with maintaining a grip on the blade along with the grooves built into the grip in which fingures can comfortably fit into Grips can either be brown or black

1.3. Monty's Brass knuckles

1.3.1. Brass knuckles created by Montgomery La'vie for his own personal business Forged with a special metal alloy composed of Draconic ores and Platinum, allowing for great heat resistance The Brass Knuckles are a dark bronze in color and have a nice metallic sheen to them When in combat, La'Vie tends to heat up his brass knuckles with his own flame breath causing them to glow orange The weapons have three medium sized spikes on the top for the pair

1.4. Spellbooks

1.4.1. More general spellbooks come in a plethora of shapes and sizes but the mostly come in rough leather covers and thing pages on the inside, their glow whenever in use is influenced by the school of magic in the majority of the spells within

1.4.2. Ancient Necromancer's Spellbook An ancient spellbook that contains the secrets to necromancy that once were known by many, currently possesed by Cecil Morri Features a black leather hard cover, along with yellowed/aged papyrus pages filled with old necromancy spells and techniques Sports a golden emblem that is painted on to the front cover When in use the spellbook glows a mix of a pine green and turquoise

2. Artifacts

2.1. Necromancer's Talisman

2.1.1. A relic that is said to increase the strength of necromancy to those who wear it. The talisman is made of an old string adorned with a small rodent's skull and spinal disks The string is a faded brown while the bones on the string are an aged yellow

2.2. Arcane Cogs

2.2.1. A relic of old that gave the modern day people of Alnoire the neccesary push to develop their steampunk technology The cog has 8 spokes and has a hole in the center where in lies a glowing mass of mana The cog has copper tones and a metallic sheen, the mass in the center is glowing cyan, which reflects off the surface of the cog

2.3. Spinal Scrolls

2.3.1. Ancient scrolls wrapped around a medium size spine detailing the events of the people of Greed Island and their hardships The vertebrae of the spine has all been plastered together and smoothed out so that the papyrus paper may be wrapped around it The bone is smooth and slightly yellow, the paper is a light brown and slightly rough to the touch, the ink on the paper has begun to fade and pieces of dirt have hardened on to the outer side of the paper

3. Tools

3.1. Blue Sea Extract (B.S.E.)

3.1.1. A potent drug created by extracting the essence of a Blue Sea Blossom and turning it into its purest form; it gives the user a massive boost in mana but has potentially dangerous side-effects B.S.E. is normally administered with the use of a large syringe through the skin The syringe is made of glass and has metallic casings, whereas the the liquid is a deep navy blue with a glittery effect swirling within, the liquid is quite viscous

3.2. Red Vials

3.2.1. Red vials are essentially health potions, but due to their potency and strength they heal the user almost back to peak condition, they are administered in small doses as to not overwhelm the user Red vials are in small clear glass vials that are no bigger than 3 inches, they are sealed with a cork The red comes from the healing liquid within which has a glittery effect, the glass is clear, and the cork is brown and sturdy and rough, the liquid like a smoothie in terms of texture

3.3. Blue Vials

3.3.1. Blue Vials help replenish the users mana by causing natural mana production to be elivated, it is crafted through the use of mixed herbs Blue vials tend to be around 6 inches and are more rounded towards the bottoms, they are still made of clear glass and the naming convention is retained. still sealed with a cork The blue comes from the mana boosting liquid within, the vials are entirely clear, smooth, glass, and the cork is brown, sturdy, and spongey in texture. The liquid tastes and feels like tea.

3.4. Purple Vials

3.4.1. Purple vials are the most potent type of potion and the most expensive, they mix the effects of both red and blue vials. Purple vials are similar in size to Red vials and the glass itself is matte as the glass in order to contain the liquid needed to be stronger. The purple color still permeates through due to its slight glow, the glass is matte and the texture of the glass has a slight grain to it, the container now has a glass seal at the top. It tastes like pure corn syrup, bleh

4. Effects

4.1. Pyromancy

4.1.1. Pyromancy is accompanied by a fiery orangish red aura whenever the user is getting ready to cast it, the aura exudes a little heat Fire Ball A huge ball of fire that affects a large area with a huge fiery explosion

4.2. Necromancy

4.2.1. Necromancy is normally accompanied by a pine green and turquoise aura Inflict Wounds The user's hand swells with power, when the user comes in contact with the opponent the spell activates and inflicts damage Rot Bomb a Fire Ball that is necromantic in origin, has the same effects, but when it explodes it causes rapid decomposition Speak with Dead The user can find themselves being able to communicate with the dead, the user is then able to breifly ask short form questions to the deceased.

4.3. The Arcane

4.3.1. Whenever being prepped, The Arcane glows a blue aura and is accompanied by arcane symbols that are yet to be deciphered Mage Hand Mage Hand is a conjured hand that the user can controll to interact with their environment