Gulliver travel as an Allegory

how the Swift describes the Gulliver travel All 4 parts as an allegory. Map by Tatheer

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Gulliver travel as an Allegory by Mind Map: Gulliver travel as an Allegory

1. Lilliput and Blefuscu

1.1. Tiny people

1.2. Petty conflicts

1.3. Egg-cracking war

1.3.1. absurdity of religious and political disputes

1.4. England vs. France

1.5. Protestant-Catholic divide

1.6. Trivial quarrels

2. Brobdingnag

2.1. Giants

2.2. Moral clarity

2.3. Honest government

2.4. Corruption critique

2.5. English politics

2.6. Misuse of power

3. Laputa

3.1. Absurd intellectualism

3.2. Scientific folly

3.3. Disconnected pursuits

3.4. Royal Society critique

3.5. Practicality vs. abstraction

4. The Houyhnhnms and Yahoos

4.1. Rational horses

4.2. Bestial humans

4.3. Reason and truth

4.4. Lies and deceit

4.5. Human nature

4.6. Cynicism