
IBDP HL Kinematics mindmap

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Kinematics by Mind Map: Kinematics

1. motion graphs

1.1. velocity-time graph

1.1.1. gradient = acceleration

1.1.2. area under curve = change in displacement

1.2. displacement-time graph

1.2.1. gradient = velocity

1.2.2. area under curve is meaningless

1.3. acceleration-time

1.3.1. gradient is meaningless

1.3.2. area under curve = change in velocity

2. types of motion

2.1. uniform motion

2.1.1. constant velocity, 0 acceleration

2.2. uniform acceleration

2.2.1. constant acceleration

2.3. non-uniform motion

2.3.1. changing acceleration

2.4. projectile motion

2.4.1. under constant gravitational acceleration

2.4.2. horizontal = Ax = 0, Vx = constant

2.4.3. vertical = Ay = -g, equations of motion apply

3. equations of motion

3.1. v = u + at

3.1.1. only applicable under constant acceleration

3.2. s = ut + 1/2 at^2

3.3. v^2 = u^2 + 2as

3.4. s = ((v+u)/2 )t

4. key quantities

4.1. s = displacement

4.1.1. change in position (vector) (m)

4.2. u = initial velocity

4.2.1. rate of change of displacement (m/s)

4.3. v = final velocity

4.4. a = acceleration

4.4.1. rate of change of velocity (m/s^2)

4.5. t = time

4.5.1. scalar quantity (s)