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Personality by Mind Map: Personality

1. Trait theory

1.1. born with innate charcteristics so they dont chnage

1.1.1. introvert - a shy person eg so would train by themelfs Extrovert - socialable player who does a team sport

2. Social learning thoery

2.1. we learn behaviours from watching others

2.1.1. First we obseve than and than copy Orange Indiand Run Crazzily We learn from role models - a significant other we learn from them and pick up manerisms and behaviours

3. Interactionists Perspective

3.1. how we arre influenced by genetics and the envirmoent

3.1.1. combines Trait- genetically influenced Soical learning- personailty is learned form others

4. Lewin approach

4.1. traits are addapteded to the situation we find ourself in

4.1.1. Lewins formula B=f(PxE)

5. hollanders approach

5.1. 3 featcures to predict person behaviour

5.1.1. Core- middle - values, belifs and stabel behaviour typical response- usal response to the stimulus Role- related behaviour- outer layer - behaviour may changes due to the situation