Moodle Tools - Nord Anglia Education

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Moodle Tools - Nord Anglia Education создатель Mind Map: Moodle Tools - Nord Anglia Education

1. Question (and Answer)

1.1. Hot question

1.2. Choice

1.3. Group choice

1.4. Feedback

1.5. Questionnaire

1.6. Quiz

1.7. Realtime quiz

1.8. Survey

1.9. Lesson

2. Student File Upload

2.1. Assignment

2.2. Assignment - Upload a single file

2.3. Assignment - Advanced Uploading of files

2.4. Assignment - Online text

2.5. Nanogong voice activity

2.6. Assignment - Offline text

2.7. Turnitin Assignment

2.8. Gradebook

3. Games

3.1. Hangman

3.2. Crossword

3.3. Cryptex

3.4. Millionaire

3.5. Sudoku

3.6. Snakes and Ladders

3.7. Hidden Picture

4. Adding resources/content

4.1. Label

4.2. File

4.3. Folder

4.4. Page

4.5. Book

4.6. URL

4.7. Lightbox gallery

4.8. Flashcard set

4.9. Lesson Summary and Homework

5. Text Discussion and Reflection

5.1. Chat

5.2. Forum

5.3. Blog

6. Collaboration/Co-operation

6.1. Wiki

6.2. OU Wiki

6.3. Glossary

6.4. Database

7. Organisation

7.1. Booking

7.2. Checklist