Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence by Mind Map: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

1. Binary

2. Variables

3. Flow Charts

4. algorithm

5. conditionals

6. Nested Loops

7. Random

8. Conditionals

9. Mathematics

10. Machine Learning

11. Nested conditionals

12. Applications of Deep learning

12.1. Medical Care

12.2. Self-driving Cars

12.3. Robotics

12.4. Recommendation system

13. chatbot

14. Functions

15. ArtificialI ntelligence

16. Applications of Artificial Intelligence

16.1. Entertainment

16.2. Education

16.3. Space

16.4. Healthcare

16.5. Manufacturing

16.6. Transportation

17. Teachable Machine

18. PictoBlox

19. Events

20. Loops

21. Cloning

22. Software and Hardware

23. operators

23.1. Arithmetic

23.1.1. -

23.1.2. +

23.1.3. /

23.1.4. *

23.2. Logical

23.2.1. And

23.2.2. Or

23.2.3. Not

24. Computational Thinking Elements

24.1. Decomposition

24.2. Pattern recognition

24.3. Abstraction

24.4. Algorithm Design

25. applications of Mathematics

25.1. bank accounts

25.2. space

25.3. Binary numbers

26. Machine Learning

27. Deep Learning

28. lists

29. Applications of Chatbots

29.1. Healthcare

29.2. Education

29.3. Banking

30. Facial Reaction Recognition