What is Technology

What is technology, information gathering and new definition coming from readings.

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What is Technology by Mind Map: What is Technology

1. before class

1.1. Equipments we use

1.1.1. computer

1.1.2. cell phone

1.1.3. printer

1.2. Invisible data channels

1.2.1. WI-FI

1.2.2. TV cable

1.2.3. phone signal

1.3. Lifestyle

1.3.1. Automobile

1.3.2. Airplane

2. References: 1 Dyer, J. (2009, December 27). Defining the word “technology” … four times. Perma.cc. https://perma.cc/FV4Q-FNNC 2 Li-Hua, R. (2007), "What is technology?", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 2 No. 3. https://doi-org.library.sheridanc.on.ca/10.1108/jtmc.2007.30202caa.001 3 İşman, A. (2012). Technology and technique: An educational perspective. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(2) 4 Apple. (2021). Apple Christmas commercial 2021 | Apple Christmas ad 2021 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx0om7rWhl0

3. I came out my definition of technology combining the readings and resources. Technology is the universal application of human knowledge, creating services, equipments, hardwares that are helpful to fulfill certain functions, enabling the connection between people and objects, and also between people and people.

3.1. Why do we need new technology? My answer is more in the human touch way: we need new technology to keep strengthening the link among people, and to keep supporting human needs for the long run. Plus, with the artificial intelligence playing a more significant role in our daily life, new technology, hopefully, will enable us to form better mutual understanding between human and AI / intelligent tech creations, leading to a more prosperous future.

4. what I think now

4.1. According to John Dyer, we can think "technology as methodology", it is the "knowledge and know how" (2009).

4.2. My personal favorite definition from the reading is to define the technology as the combination of "human understanding of natural laws and phenomena accumulated" so as to perform certain functions and fulfill human needs (Li-Hua, 2007).

4.3. Technology means "the same standard" able to be applied in various kind of things, a systematic application of knowledge (İŞMAN, 2012). This essay also emphasizes human interaction and cultural behaviors, echoing back of John's methodology theory; furthermore, it connects cultural context.

4.4. One more realization comes from Apple's commercial advertisement is that technology not only connects human and hardware, but also creates the connection among us (2001).