Iroquois Native Americans

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Iroquois Native Americans por Mind Map: Iroquois Native Americans

1. Beliefs/Customs

1.1. Women were the leaders of the house

1.2. Nature and animals should be respected

2. Food

2.1. Animals are hunted for food

2.2. Grow their own crops

2.3. Three sisters

2.3.1. corn

2.3.2. beans

2.3.3. squash

3. Homes

3.1. long houses

3.2. Made from wood and animal hides

3.3. Many families lived together

3.4. Fires inside the long house

3.5. Lived in villages

3.6. Different clans

4. Animals

4.1. Symbolized by animals

4.2. Clan names

4.2.1. deer, wolf, bear

4.2.2. turtle, beaver, eel

4.2.3. hawk, heron, snipe

4.3. Allowed to hunt for food

4.4. Respected by all

4.5. Used to make clothing

4.6. Bones make tools

5. Clothing

5.1. Different head dress for 5 nations

5.2. Made from skins and bones of animals

5.3. Also wear jewelry

6. Celebrations

6.1. Song and Dance

6.2. Dress up

6.3. Storytelling

7. Other

7.1. Myths and storytelling

7.2. Sacred Tree