Intraoral and Extraoral Exam

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Intraoral and Extraoral Exam by Mind Map: Intraoral and Extraoral Exam

1. Palpation methods - Caroline K

1.1. digital, bidigital, manual, bimanual, bilateral, circular - Caroline K

2. Intraoral examination regions - Caroline K

2.1. lips, oral cavity, palate and pharynx, tongue, floor of mouth - Caroline K

3. Extraoral examination regions - Caroline K

3.1. patient overall -> bodily, skin, chin, gait, speech, nodes - Caroline K

4. Kinds of lesions - Gabby T

4.1. elevated

4.1.1. Blisterform (vesicle, pustule, bulla) - Gabby T

4.1.2. Nonlblisterform (papule, nodule, tumor, plaque) - Gabby T

4.1.3. Depressed lesions (ulcer, erosion) - Gabby T

4.1.4. Flat lesions (macule) - Gabby T

5. Soft tissues - Gabby T

5.1. lips, buccal mucosa, gingiva, tongue, soft palate, pharynx, and tonsils - Gabby T

6. Normal vs. Abnormal

7. Part of a Comprehensive Exam

7.1. Sequential

8. Detects Oral Cancer

8.1. The oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, paranasal sinuses & nasal cavity, and salivary glands are secretions of the head and neck where cancer can begin. The early lesions are asymptomatic so they can go unnoticed and unreported by patients. Performing a systematic examination will decrease the possibility of excluding areas and overlooking details of importance. - SWilkerson

8.1.1. Most oral cancers are related to tobacco and excessive alcohol use. The lateral borders of the tongue, floor of the mouth, lips, and the soft palate are the most common sites for oral cancer. - SWilkerson Patients with lesions considered to be suspicious of potential malignancy or malignant disorder/other symptoms will require a biopsy. A biopsy is the removal and microscopic examination of a section of tissue from the body for the purposes of diagnosis. - SWilkerson

8.1.2. Lateral Border of Tongue - SWilkerson

8.1.3. Lateral Border of Tongue - SWilkerson

9. Collecting data

10. Types of examinations - Gabby T

10.1. comprehensive, screening, limited examination, follow-up, continuing care/reevaluation - Gabby T