What is Technolog

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What is Technolog by Mind Map: What is Technolog

1. Chares tuck (2019, July 22) What is technology?

1.1. What ever you go technology is with you like a phone your are caring it in your pocked and use it when you need it.

1.1.1. There are many use of a phone ckecking the time your messages even your schecule.

2. SMARTEduEMEA, 2013, The history of technology in education

2.1. Lets take a look for the history of technology

3. Reference List: Aytekin, I. (April 2012).The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE: AN EDUCATIONAL PERSPECTIVE, volume 11 Issuehttp://tojet.net/articles/v11i2/11222.pdf Rawal, Y. (2021, August 24). 5 reasons why adopting new technology is important for any business. Medium. https://medium.com/akeo-tech/5-reasons-why-adopting-new-technology-is-important-for-any-business-b0ac113d4019 Kumar, V., Kumar, U. & Persaud, A. Building Technological Capability Through Importing Technology: The Case of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry. The Journal of Technology Transfer 24, 81–96 (1999). https://doi-org.library.sheridanc.on.ca/10.1023/A:1007728921126 Nusys. (2019, June 14)What is Technology Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px5z-dG531c Schatzberg, E. (2006). Technik comes to america: Changing meanings of technology before 1930. Technology and Culture, 47(3), 486-512. Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/technik-comes-america-changing-meanings/docview/198448721/se-2 Chares tuck (2019, July 22) What is technology? Youtube.https://www.youtube.com/watch?embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fslate.sheridancollege.ca%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjQsMTY0NTAz&v=G9CzjdrFgiY&feature=youtu.be SMARTEduEMEA, 2013, The history of technology in education Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz_X9s

4. Nusys. (2019, June 14)What is Technology

4.1. Lets see again what technology means by definition(Tuck, 2019)

4.1.1. Technology is a solution to a problem for example a pen, chair anything that solves an issues.

5. When I hear about technology, I immediately think about robots, machines, phones, computers, anything that has a screen that you can touch and that is intelligent enough to correspond.

5.1. The definition of technology is exactly how I thought. It is all about the invitations that make our lives easier and more productive. Technology has enhanced our world and lives with its intelligence. We use it everyday whether it is at home, school or work. It is everywhere you go.

6. It has been said that technology was framed in terms us useful arts, manufacturing, industry, invention and machine (Schatzberg, 2006, p. 486)

7. Kumar, Kumar , & Persuad (1999) said that technology has two primary parts: 1 a physical unit which contains items such as products, tooling, equipment, blueprints, techniques, and processes. The 2 informational unit which consist of know-how in management, marketing, production, quality control, reliability, skilled labor and functional areas.

7.1. “Technology is more than a collection of machines and devices. To go beyond simplistic intuitions about technology requires investigation of the human mind and socio-cultural environment as well as interactions with technological artifacts" (Isman, 2012, 208)

8. Embracing new technology involves integrating innovative tools and systems to improve business operations and effect consumer needs. Here's why it's essential:

8.1. Work Faster and Smarter: New tools like cloud systems and apps help businesses do things more efficiently, saving time and improving results. (Rawal, 2021)

8.1.1. Handle Remote Work Better: Tools like Microsoft Teams make it easier for employees to work together from anywhere, improving communication and teamwork.(Rawal, 2021) Plan for the Future: New technology helps businesses grow, make better products, and keep customers happy in the long run. (Rawal, 2021)

8.2. Stay Ahead of Competitors: Using modern technology makes businesses stand out, attract more customers, and get better opportunities to grow. (Rawal, 2021)

8.2.1. Simplify Tasks: Technology helps automate repetitive jobs, saving time and reducing mistakes, so businesses can focus on important work.(Rawal, 2021)