My Competence Map

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My Competence Map by Mind Map: My Competence Map

1. Past

1.1. McDonald's

1.1.1. In Store Crew Member Crew Trainer Shift Running Floor Manager Apprenticeship Leader

1.1.2. 2012 London Olympics Champion Crew Member Advertising Campaign

1.2. Santander

1.2.1. Personal Banking Personal Banking Consultant Subject Matter Expert Team Manager

1.2.2. Complaints Quality Assurance

1.3. University of Lincoln

1.3.1. BA (Hons) Media Production 2:1

1.3.2. Postgraduate Certificate in Education

2. Present

2.1. University of Oulu

2.1.1. MA Learning, Education and Technology

2.2. STEM Learning

2.2.1. Associate Facilitator

2.3. National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE)

2.3.1. Upper Primary Practitioner Panel Member

3. Future

3.1. Teacher Education?

3.2. Finland?

3.3. Curriculum Design?

3.4. Policy writing?

3.5. The world is my oyster!

4. Working Life Skills

4.1. Presenting Information

4.2. Report Writing

4.3. Task Management/Prioritisation

4.4. Working with Key Stakeholders

5. My Skills

5.1. Communication

5.2. Planning and Assessment

5.3. Organisation

5.4. Time Management

6. Networks

6.1. STEM Learning

6.2. National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE)

6.3. Primary School Teachers in the UK

6.4. Computing Professionals in the UK

6.4.1. Lincolnshire Computing Hub

6.4.2. Twitter/X

6.5. Raspberry Pi Foundation

6.5.1. Code Club