The First 90 Days

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The First 90 Days by Mind Map: The First 90 Days

1. Day 1 - 30 (The Get-to-Know-You Phase)

1.1. Assess

1.1.1. The Situation: Understand the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

1.1.2. The People: Identify key stakeholders, their roles, and their perspectives.

1.1.3. The Issues: Diagnose the most critical challenges and opportunities.

1.2. Build Relationships

1.2.1. Key Relationships: Connect with direct reports, peers, and senior leaders.

1.2.2. Informal Networks: Build relationships outside formal reporting lines.

1.2.3. Communication: Actively listen and communicate openly and clearly.

1.3. Establish Credibility

1.3.1. Early Wins: Look for quick wins to build confidence and show what you can do.

1.3.2. Communication: Communicate your vision and plans effectively.

1.3.3. Decision-Making: Make sound decisions and take decisive action.

2. Day 31 - 60 (Let's-Get-to-Work Phase)

2.1. Shape the Agenda

2.1.1. Prioritise: Focus on the most critical issues and set clear goals.

2.1.2. Develop Action Plans: Create detailed plans to address key challenges.

2.1.3. Secure Resources: Gain support and resources from key stakeholders.

2.2. Build the Team

2.2.1. Delegate Effectively: Empower your team to take ownership and responsibility.

2.2.2. Develop Talent: Invest in the growth and development of your team.

2.2.3. Create a Positive Culture: Foster collaboration, trust, and accountability.

2.3. Reinforce Credibility

2.3.1. Deliver Results: Consistently meet or exceed expectations.

2.3.2. Seek Feedback: Actively solicit and respond to feedback.

2.3.3. Build Trust: Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior.

3. Day 61 - 90 (This-is-Just-the-Beginning Phase)

3.1. Secure Alignment

3.1.1. Internal Alignment: Ensure that your team and stakeholders are aligned with your vision.

3.1.2. External Alignment: Build relationships with key external partners and customers.

3.1.3. Influence Upward: Gain support and sponsorship from senior leaders.

3.2. Drive Change

3.2.1. Execute the Plan: Implement your action plans and monitor progress.

3.2.2. Overcome Resistance: Address roadblocks and overcome challenges.

3.2.3. Adapt and Adjust: Be flexible and willing to adjust your plans as needed.

3.3. Solidify Credibility

3.3.1. Celebrate Successes: Recognise and reward team accomplishments.

3.3.2. Build a Legacy: Establish a positive and lasting impact on the organisation.

3.3.3. Continue to Learn and Grow: Seek continuous improvement and development.