what is technology?
by su y
1. what I think now
1.1. Humans transcend their animal instincts to explore and transform the world
2. why we need new technology
3. In ancient China, a man called ShenNong used himself as a tester to test herbs to distinguish between medicine and poison in order to cure people's diseases.
4. In order to increase production efficiency, James Watt improved the steam engine, which led mankind into the the Age of Steam.
5. medicine
6. steam engine
7. reference
8. Technology improve human medical standards, allowing people to live longer without suffering from illness.
9. Technology can fundamentally improve production efficiency
10. In order to enhance the security and reliability of information transmission during the Cold War, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. developed a network that could connect different computers, which eventually evolved into the Internet.
11. what I thought before
11.1. technology is the ways which humans attempt to overcome difficulties
11.1.1. Technological activities are the process of human adaptation and transformation to the environment.
11.1.2. Technological achievements are experiences and inventions obtained through technological activities.
12. internet
13. Improvement of human life quality depends on new technologies
14. "technology is defined as consisting of both hardware and Software (the knowledge required to produce and use technological hardware)."(Grübler, A. 1998)
15. Grübler, A. (1998). Technology: Concepts and Definitions. In Technology and Global Change (pp. 19–90). chapter, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
16. "By mid-century technology was defined by such phrases as “the means or activity by which man seeks to change or manipulate his environment.” Even such broad definitions have been criticized by observers who point out the increasing difficulty of distinguishing between scientific inquiry and technological activity."(Buchanan, R. Angus 2024)
17. Buchanan, R. Angus (2024, October 23). history of technology. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/technology/history-of-technology
18. Technology can promote the progress of human society and promote social fairness and justice
19. "if you are going to make an attempt to either study or critique a particular technology or technological practice or development, then you probably should take the time to tell us how broadly or narrowly you are defining the term “technology” or “technological process.”"(Thierer,A. 2014)
20. Thierer, A.(2014,April 29). Defining "Technology" The Technoloay Liberation Front. https://techliberation.com/2014/04/29/defining-technology/
21. Li-Hua, R. (2007), "What is technology?", Journal of Technology Management in China, Vol. 2 No. 3. https://doi-org.library.sheridanc.on.ca/10.1108/jtmc.2007.30202caa.001
22. "Technique covers the instruments of labour (machinery and tools), materials and the way they are brought into function by labour in the working process. Both, social dynamic (working process) and social contradictions (e.g. between machinery and labour) are inherent in this element of the technology as in each of the sub-concepts."(Li-Hua, R. 2007)
23. "0. Technology as Social Usage – I label this one zero because it is the top level of how we as a society use technology."(Dyer,J 2009)
24. Dyer, J.(2009, December 27). Defining The Word "Technology" ... Four Times. Don't Eat The Fruit. https://j.hn/defining-the-word-technology-four-times/
25. "Human’s use of technology involves not only machines (e.g., computer hardware) and instruments, but also includes structured relations with other humans, machines, and the environment."(Isman, 2012)
26. Isman, A.(2012). Technology and Technique: An Educational Perspective. The Turish Online Joumal f Educational Technology, 11(2).http://tojet.net/articles/v11i2/11222.pdf
27. "Technology is humanity’s attempt to cope with nature. People have developed tools and methods to meet their needs. This process involves continuous improvement of materials and tools."(Emily Johnson 2020)
28. Emily Johnson(2020) What is technology, ninovalib technology, https://ninovalib.com/en/what-is-technology/
29. "The 19th Century (1800–1899) began the period when technological inventions really began to take off."(Computer Fraud & Security 2001)
30. Computer Fraud & Security (2001)What is Technology? https://doi.org/10.1016/S1361-3723(01)00720-5