Plant Life Cycle
by Jessie Ingerson
1. ------------------------------------- Lesson Title:Plant Life Cycle Lesson Duration: 2-4 weeks --------------------------------------
2. Analysis
3. Evaluation
3.1. Learning Activity 15- Design & Build a Plant (Greene et al., n.d.-b)
3.1.1. Activity to allow hands on creation and implementation of a plant of their own and what the plant needs to survive in the chosen environment
3.2. From a Seed to Plant Lesson 16 part 2 Page 69 to page 73 (Greene et al., n.d.-b)
3.2.1. Implementation of this activity allows for groups to measure plant height and environmental differences before creating a bar graph of the groups information together.
4. Summary
4.1. Lesson plan from Northside Outdoor Wonder & Learning Page 6 on PDF, with engaging students on what they notice is important for soil and why it does matter. After viewing this lesson plan/video would allow for classroom discussion on brainstorming our garden bed we will be utilizing our plants and if what we have will potentially work well or will we need to brainstorm together to make a change for our plants success. (Greene et al., n.d.)
4.2. Using classroom plant viewer kit, the class will begin seeds that will hypothetically be successful in growing to seedlings that can be transplanted into the raised garden beds. By using the classroom plant viewer it will allow students to watch seeds and roots sprout from the underground view.
5. Required Resources
5.1. Christopher, K. R. (2019). The school garden curriculum: An Integrated K-8 Guide for Discovering Science, Ecology, and Whole-Systems Thinking. New Society Publishers.
5.2. Greene, L., Yelton, S., Haine, D., Stadelman, T., Center for Public Engagement with Science, UNC Institute for the Environment, Dunlap, W., Mason, B., Powell, T., Schnitzer, D., Sharpless, C., Jones, K., Stadelman, S., Brown, S., Duke Energy Foundation, & Yelton, S. (n.d.). 3rd grade plants unit. In Northside Elementary School Outdoor Wonder & Learning (OWL) Initiative.
6. Introduction
6.1. What is needed for a seed to grow?
6.2. How does soil health affect the growth of a plant? (Too much or too little water, not enough sunlight or too much sunlight etc.)
6.3. How does soil affect our everyday lives? How is it connected to our lives?
7. Learning Objectives
7.1. Observations made weekly on seeds growth through Kids Root Viewer in their science notebooks
8. Direct Instruction
8.1. Guiding students on the needs of planting seed with correct amount of water,sunlight,depth in soil,etc.
8.2. Learning Activity 4 From a Seed to a Plant Part 1 Page 19-23 (Greene et al., n.d.-b)
9. Independent Practice
9.1. Making predictions of what plant will grow tallest and what environmental factors will be causing this.
10. Guided Practice
10.1. Example of desired result of plant growth from seed
10.2. Examples of planting methods for specific plants the class will be growing to provide exmaples for methods to attempt in classroom garden.