1. What is frusting
2. What makes my life easier
3. What am I keeping up with
4. Calendar
4.1. Wall calendar in the kitchen, shared emails with my husband, and tracking of my own calendar electronically as well as on my dream planner
5. What's working well
6. Time Blocks
6.1. Before School Routine (Family)
6.1.1. Girls wake themselves up, prepare their stuff for school and make their own lunch on their own.
6.1.2. Driving and carpooling schedule works well for both girls.
6.2. Work Time
6.2.1. Commit 1-2 hours in the late afternoon/early evening as I'm most productive at that time, and my girls don't require my constant attention. We also eat dinner late (8-9pm).
6.3. PM/Afterschool Routine
6.3.1. Pick-up schedule/carpooling
6.4. PM Family Routine
6.4.1. Family eats dinner late and watches something together and then goes to bed.
7. Zone Cleaning
7.1. More consistency with cleaning-up after cooking or meals, shared between me and my husbaand.
7.2. My husband is very helpful and will clean the bathrooms, showers, and do general vaccuming, take out the garbage, recycling.
7.3. My girls do their own laundry and keep up with the cleaning of their personal spaces. They also help with general cleaning around the house from time to time.
8. Fumndamental Needs
8.1. I get alone time after everyone goes to bed to watch whatever I want, and/or do NYT games (eg., Wordle, Connections), or whatever I wish.I am a night-owl.
8.2. Keeping up with my commitment to learn Russian via Duolingo
8.3. Mostly keeping up with my commitment to read daily during my"lunchtime"
8.4. Getting traction on office organization. Having different notebooks for work, this course, my personal todos is very helpful to keep notes separate.
8.5. Weekly therapy session.
9. Calendar
9.1. My husband doesn't "see" the wall calendar so it's mostly for myself and my girls. I send him calendar invites and that sometimes works.
9.2. I haven't started utilizing the block-system; because I'm trying to figure out how to define my time blocks to fit my needs and family structure.
9.3. My schedule is constantly changing so my home inventory is always changing and I can't find consistency.
9.4. The school schedule changes for my high school and middle school student almost on a daily basis, so it's hard to predict and commit to my blocks.
10. Time Blocks
10.1. AM Routine
10.1.1. My AM routine is really after the Before School Routine. I am not a morning person, so I won't get up before them to get my personal stuff done.
10.1.2. Have a hard time focusing on what to do as there's so much.
10.2. Work Time
10.2.1. Trying to commit to 2 hours from 11am-1pm, but I get distracted or find other things I need/want to do (e.g., take a shower), so not fully committing.
10.2.2. Work on content and research for weekly podcast but I'm lacking consistency or a routine because it doesn't require a ton of time, maybe 1.5 hours/week.
10.2.3. Stuck on how to get my business started.
10.2.4. Need dedicated time to conduct job hunt as I need a steady job/incoome while I'm pursuing my own business.