Computational Thinking

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Computational Thinking by Mind Map: Computational Thinking

1. Evaluation

1.1. Cooking

1.1.1. Checking if a recipe is giving the expected results and, if not, tweaking it to give the wanted product.

1.2. Studying

1.2.1. Seeing if a studying strategy helped you earn a good grade on a test and changing up the strategy if needed.

2. Organizing Data

2.1. Graphs

2.1.1. Using a graph to track monthly expenses and identifying where spending can be limited.

2.2. Spreadsheets

2.2.1. Using a spreadsheet to track weight loss and calorie intake.

3. Logical Reasoning

3.1. Solving a Puzzle

3.1.1. Using reasoning and logical thinking to analyze the shapes of puzzle pieces and how the shapes/colors fit together.

3.2. Rubik's Cube

3.2.1. Requires identifying patterns, planning a sequence of moves, and concentration.

4. Abstraction

4.1. English Language Arts

4.1.1. Summarizing a novel into a book review.

4.2. Using a TV Remote

4.2.1. Only using the buttons you need, like the volume, channel and power buttons, and ignoring the additional buttons.

5. Decomposition

5.1. Writing an Essay

5.1.1. Breaking down a topic into an introduction, body paragraph and conclusion when writing as essay.

5.2. Finding the Area of Shapes

5.2.1. When finding the area of a complex shape, you can decompse the shape into simpler shapes (squares, triangles, rectangles), calculate the area of each individual shape and add them together.

6. Designing Algorithms

6.1. Tying Shoes

6.1.1. When tying shoes, one might refer to the "bunny rabbit" method.

6.2. Bedtime Routine

6.2.1. Many people follow a bedtime routine: brush teeth, wash face, set out clothes for the next day etc.

7. Identifying Patterns and Generalization

7.1. Predicting Weather

7.1.1. Looking at cloud formations and observing the wind speed are two ways to predict incoming weather.

7.2. Mathematics

7.2.1. Using familiar formulas to solve a problem.