A mindmap of tasks and materials for Humanities subjects. Linked to the Facebook group "The Humanities Hub". Updated every month from shared materials on the group.

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O by Mind Map: O

1. Significance

2. Avoid Praising Intelligence and Sheer Effort. Instead, give feedback that highlights the values of planning and trying different learning strategies. Differentiated instruction tactics and principles (content of lessons, processes and finished product - keep changing these). Gamify - use games with points that accrue over time. Explain that challenges are oppurtunites. Encourage Students to Expand their Answers and to elaborate during discussions and problem based activities. Explain the Purposes of Abstract Skills and Concepts (to be used in the real world, to synergise with other subjects) but do this experientially rather than transferring the info. Exit tickets for formative assessments for the teacher and for students to outline what they need to focus on to improve.

3. Dictogloss

4. Guided Reading

5. RAP - Read aloud, Ask Questions, Paraphrase

6. Fishbowl strategy

7. Essay thesauraus bookmark

8. Growth Mindset

8.1. What?

8.2. How?

9. Students know they can develop their skills and talents through effort and persistence, as well as being receptive to lessons and feedback. They generally believe they can improve through hard work and trying new learning methods.

10. Lifelong Learning

10.1. Edutopia Course on the Science of Learning


10.3. Example lesson plans

11. Independent learning

11.1. DIRT - dedicated improvement and reflection time

12. Literacy

12.1. EAL Toolkit

12.2. Reading

12.3. Word Up! Replace 6 words using a thesaurus

12.4. Writing

12.4.1. WordSift.org

12.4.2. Lotus Diagram for Essay Writing

12.4.3. Essay flow charts

12.4.4. Essay Writing Toolkit

12.4.5. Nomilisation

12.4.6. Paper 2 Phrasing 24 key terms Explain like I'm 5. Group effort deconstructing difficult text to find meaning.

12.5. EAL

12.5.1. Scaffolding Language Learning

12.6. Teacher hand book for English skills (including vocab acquisition).

13. MYP teachers organize the curriculum with appropriate attention to: • Teaching and learning in context. Students learn best when their learning experiences have context and are connected to their lives and the world that they have experienced. Using global contexts, MYP students explore human identity, global challenges and what it means to be internationally minded. • Conceptual understanding. Concepts are big ideas that have relevance within specific disciplines and across subject areas. MYP students use concepts as a vehicle to inquire into issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance and examine knowledge holistically. • Approaches to learning (ATL). A unifying thread throughout all MYP subject groups, approaches to learning provide the foundation for independent learning and encourage the application of their knowledge and skills in unfamiliar contexts. Developing and applying these skills help students learn how to learn. • Service as action (community service). Action (learning by doing and experiencing) and service have always been shared values of the IB community. Students take action when they apply what they are learning in the classroom and beyond. IB learners strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a commitment to service—making a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. Service as action is an integral part of the programme, especially in the MYP community project. • Language and identity – MYP students are required to learn at least two languages. Learning to communicate in a variety of ways is fundamental to their development of intercultural understanding and crucial to their identity affirmation.

14. IB

15. Concept Based Approach

15.1. Causation

15.2. Empathic Understanding

15.3. Change and Continuity

15.4. Perspectives

16. Technology

16.1. 28 ideas

16.2. Google Expeditions

16.3. Nearpod

16.4. Ideas for History class

17. Movement Breaks!

18. Blooms Taxonomy

19. Higher Level Thinking Questions

20. The MYP Learner Profile Unlocking the MYP Learner Profile: Concept-based planning, teaching and assessment

21. Sustainability

21.1. Link 1

22. Extensions and Challenges

22.1. QR Code Corner, Extension Activities Corner Create a fast-finishers corner or display where QR codes reveal an extension activity. Colour-coordinate the activities for each key learning area. – For example, codes on green paper reveal numeracy activities, codes on blue paper reveal literacy activities.

23. Feedback

23.1. Marking

23.2. Assessments and target setting

23.3. Reduce workload and increase impact

24. Parody of a popular song with relevant lyrics

25. Jigsaws - from 'home' group on one specialist topic to become experts, then mix with people from othe groups to teach them their topic

25.1. Listening triads - put into trios, each given a role: Talker explains or comments on text, Questioner asks questions to prompt more points being raised, interviewer, etc. Recorder records key points and reports to class.

25.1.1. Mindmaps. 1 - In pairs, one person creates a mind map from textbook on large paper on the wall. In silence, partner is opposite and can use information to either write short speech or create a propganda poster using the info from the mindmap. etc/

26. Quiz, Quiz, Trade.

26.1. Throwback Thursday, Flashback Friday (end of lesson, write 5 questions to answer the next week).

27. silent debates

28. Flipped examples

29. Flipped Classroom Students watch video. Main lesson silent debate. most significant causes and consequences.

30. Colour coded info graphic

31. Ice Breakers

32. New topic strategies

32.1. KWL Charts

32.2. Socrative Seminar Socratic Seminars - ReadWriteThink

32.3. 3 of My Favorite Ways to Introduce a New History Topic

32.4. Jigsaws - from 'home' group on one specialist topic to become experts, then mix with people from othe groups to teach them their topic

32.5. Snowball - share ideas from individuals to pairs, to fours, and finally whole class.

32.6. Notice and Wonders (individually write down what they notice, then discuss with partners. Then, ask a few questions about the text, etc).

32.7. Rainbow Groups - give each person on each group a different cause who needs to give a 3 or 4 minute presentation to their group.

33. Starters

33.1. Maths code breaker

33.2. History lesson starters

33.3. Do Now Sheets

33.4. Mega list

34. Differentiation

34.1. Graded questioning (verbal and written)

34.2. Mixed ability groups, by dynamic too

34.3. Flipped classroom allows students to aquire knowledge in their own time

34.3.1. Scaffolding with phrasing, vocab, for EAL learners

34.4. Learning Menus

34.4.1. Job Role Cards

35. Aquisition

35.1. Activity Stations

35.2. Socrative Seminar

35.3. Think Pair Share

35.4. Escape Rooms

35.5. Snowball - share ideas from individuals to pairs, to fours, and finally whole class.

35.6. Harkness

35.7. Connect, Extend, Challenge

35.8. Living Graphs

35.9. 40 Second Chunks - pairs in A and B. Person A listens to teacher, repeats to B. B repeats back to A. Next up, B listens to teacher, repeats to A, etc.

35.10. Discussion Strategies

36. Hattie's Top Ten

37. Retrieval Practice

37.1. Plenary

37.2. Challenge Grid

37.3. Picture Prompt

37.4. Self testing with Knowledge Organisers. One book each for 30 mins a week (checked).

37.5. Walkabout Bingo

37.6. Retrieval Relay Race (4 boxes, one box each, 30 seconds each)

37.7. Retrieval Practice Starters PPT

38. Application

38.1. Silent debates

38.2. Balloon Debate

38.3. Create a biographic video of the historical figure

38.4. Create a rap song (causes, main events, consequences)

38.5. Create a boardgame

38.6. Advice to film director

38.7. Create a film trailer: show best trailers on youtube, give out storyboard, tips on trailers (main problem and characters), info. 2 lessons.

38.8. Create a political cartoon - message, context, purpose.

38.9. Sort cards by significance

38.10. A Level Strategies

38.11. Drama ideas

38.12. Flipgrid

38.13. Socratic Seminar

38.13.1. Socratic Seminar 2

38.14. Meme Generator

39. Learning Objectives

40. Formative Assessments

40.1. Self Assessments and Peer Assessing

40.2. 1 - get students to write down the questions they'd like to know the answer to. 2 - Share success criteria by showing them high level creation. 3 - Effective questioning, differentiated. 4- Thumbs up thumbs down. 5 - One sentence summary. 6 - EBI and WWW. 7 - Followed by DIRT.

40.3. Key Questions

40.4. Dylan Wiliams

41. Revision

41.1. Speed dating. Then, each person then writes an A, B and C question related to their topic on the whiteboard. Whole class then aswers the questions for homework (only 1 Question C).

41.2. Thinking Quilts (colour coded topics)

41.3. Class tools revision wheel!

41.4. Revising Historical Figures - sticky notes on head, 20 questions to guess who. Then stick on board and students add significant points for each figure. Go over in class, write down.

41.5. Cornell Notes

41.6. Print out snakes and ladders boardgame plus 100 or so questions

41.7. Race - different groups race to read info and report back to writer.

41.8. Jigsaw - one group with different 'specialists'. 15 minutes writing notes, share with group. Then experts sit together, share and add. Re-group and report back new info.

41.9. Retrieval Relay Race (4 boxes)

41.10. Cops and Robbers Sheet

41.11. RAG and then Quiz using Reds and Ambers

41.12. Memory Palace

42. Plenaries

42.1. History Haiku