Foundation Framework <NSObject>

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Foundation Framework <NSObject> by Mind Map: Foundation Framework <NSObject>

1. XML

1.1. NSXMLNode

1.1.1. NSXMLDocument


1.1.3. NSXMLDTDNode

1.1.4. NSXMLElement

1.2. NSXMLParser

2. Collections

2.1. NSArray

2.1.1. NSMutableArray

2.2. NSDictionary

2.2.1. NSMutableDictionary

2.3. NSEnumerator

2.3.1. NSDirectoryEnumerator

2.4. NSHashTable

2.5. NSIndexPath

2.6. NSIndexSet

2.6.1. NSMutableIndexSet

2.7. NSMapTable

2.8. NSPointerArray

2.9. NSPointerFunstions

2.10. NSSet

2.10.1. NSMutableSet NSCountedSet

3. OS Services

3.1. NSError

3.2. NSHost

3.3. NSNetService

3.4. NSNetServiceBrowser

3.5. NSOrthography

3.6. NSProcessInfo

3.7. NSRunLoop

3.8. NSSpellServer

3.9. NSTextCheckingResult

3.10. NSTimer

3.11. NSUserDefaults

3.12. File System

3.12.1. NSBundle

3.12.2. NSFileHandle

3.12.3. NSFileManager

3.12.4. NSMetadataItem

3.12.5. NSMetadataQuery

3.12.6. NSMetadateQueryAttributeValueTuple

3.12.7. NSMetadataQueryResultGroup

3.12.8. NSStream NSInputStream NSOutputStream

3.13. URL

3.13.1. NSCachedURLResponse

3.13.2. NSHTTPCookie

3.13.3. NSHTTPCookieStorage

3.13.4. NSURL

3.13.5. NSURLAuthorizationChallenge

3.13.6. NSURLCache

3.13.7. NSURLConnection

3.13.8. NSURLCredential

3.13.9. NSURLCredentialStorage

3.13.10. NSURLDownload

3.13.11. NSURLProtectionSpace

3.13.12. NSURLProtocol

3.13.13. NSURLRequest NSMutableURLRequest

3.13.14. NSURLResponse NSHTTLURLResponse

3.14. Interprocess Communication

3.14.1. NSPipe

3.14.2. NSPort NSMessagePort NSSocketPort

3.14.3. NSPortMessage

3.14.4. NSPortNameServer NSMachBootstrapServer NSMessagePortNameServer NSScoketPortNameServer

3.15. Locking/Threading

3.15.1. NSConditionalLock

3.15.2. NSDistributedLock

3.15.3. NSLock

3.15.4. NSOperation NSBlockOperation NSInvocationOperation

3.15.5. NSOperationQueue

3.15.6. NSRecursiveLock

3.15.7. NSTask

3.15.8. NSThread

4. Archiving and Serialization

4.1. NSCoder

4.1.1. NSArchiver

4.1.2. NSKeyedArchiver

4.1.3. NSKeyedUnarchiver

4.1.4. NSPortCoder

4.1.5. NSUnarchiver

4.2. NSPropertyListSerialization

5. Objective-C Language Services

5.1. NSAssertionHandler

5.2. NSAutoreleasePool

5.3. NSClassDescription

5.4. NSException

5.5. NSCarbageCollector

5.6. NSInvocation

5.7. NSMethodSignature

5.8. NSUndoManager

6. Protocols

6.1. NSCoding

6.2. NSComparisonMethods

6.3. NSConnectionDelegate

6.4. NSCopying

6.5. NSDecimalNumberBehaviors

6.6. NSErrorRecoveryAttempting

6.7. NSFastEnumeration

6.8. NSKeyedArchiverDelegate

6.9. NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate

6.10. NSKeyValueCoding

6.11. NSKeyValueObserving

6.12. NSLocking

6.13. NSMachPortDelegate

6.14. NSMetadataQueryDelegate

6.15. NSMutableCopying

6.16. NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate

6.17. NSNetServiceDelegate

6.18. NSObjCTypeSelializationCallBack

6.19. NSObject

6.20. NSPortDelegate

6.21. NSScriptingComparisonMethods

6.22. NSScriptKeyValuaCoding

6.23. NSScriptObjectSpecifiers

6.24. NSSpellServerDelegate

6.25. NSStreamDelegate

6.26. NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender

6.27. NSURLHandleClient

6.28. NSURLProtocolClient

6.29. NSXMLParserDelegate

7. Value Objects

7.1. NSAffineTransform

7.2. NSCalendar

7.3. NSCache

7.4. NSData

7.4.1. NSMutableDate NSPurgableData

7.5. NSDate

7.5.1. NSCalendarDate

7.6. NSDateComponents

7.7. NSDecimalNumberHandler

7.8. NSLocale

7.9. NSNull

7.10. NSTimeZone

7.11. NSValue

7.11.1. NSNumber NSDecimalNumber

7.12. NSValueTransformer

8. Strings

8.1. NSAttributedString

8.1.1. NSMutableAttributedString

8.2. NSCharacterSet

8.2.1. NSMutableCharacterSet

8.3. NSString

8.3.1. NSMutableString

8.4. NSFormatter

8.4.1. NSDateFormatter

8.4.2. NSNumberFormatter

8.5. NSScanner

8.6. NSSortDescriptor

9. Predicates

9.1. NSExpression

9.2. NSPredicate

9.2.1. NSComparisonPredicate

9.2.2. NSCompundPredicate

10. Notifications

10.1. NSNotification

10.2. NSNotificationCenter

10.2.1. NSDistributedNotificationCenter

10.3. NSNotificationQueue

11. Scripting

11.1. NSScriptClassDescription : NSClassDescription

11.2. NSAppleEventDescriptor

11.3. NSAppleEventManager

11.4. NSAppleScript

11.5. NSPositionalSpecifier

11.6. NSScriptCoercionHandler

11.7. NSScriptCommand

11.7.1. NSCloneCommand

11.7.2. NSCloseCommand

11.7.3. NSCountCommand

11.7.4. NSCreateCommand

11.7.5. NSDeleteCommand

11.7.6. NSExistsCommand

11.7.7. NSGetCommand

11.7.8. NSMoveCommand

11.7.9. NSQuitCommand

11.7.10. NSSetCommand

11.8. NSScriptCommandDescription

11.9. NSScriptExecutionContext

11.10. NSScriptObjectSpecifier

11.10.1. NSIndexSpecifier

11.10.2. NSMiddleSpecifier

11.10.3. NSNameSpecifier

11.10.4. NSPropertySpecifier

11.10.5. NSRandomSpecifier

11.10.6. NSRangeSpecifier

11.10.7. NSRelativeSpecifier

11.10.8. NSUniqueIDSpecifier

11.10.9. NSWhoseSpecifier

11.11. NSScriptSuiteRegistry

11.12. NSScriptWhoseTest

12. Distributed Objects

12.1. NSConnection

12.2. NSDistandObjectRequest

12.3. NSDistantObject : NSProxy

12.4. NSProtocolChecker : NSProxy