Rapid Application Development (RAD)

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Rapid Application Development (RAD) by Mind Map: Rapid Application Development (RAD)

1. User involvement is frequent

1.1. Each component produces a working prototype which is delivered to the user for feedback

2. Suitable for small, modular, fast-paced projects

3. Advantages

3.1. Continuous user feedback reduces errors

3.2. Faster development and delivery

4. Disadvantages

4.1. Expensive

4.2. Requires skilled developers

4.3. Unsuitable for large/non-modular systems

5. Structure

5.1. Incremental

5.2. Divided into parallel subtasks, each with their own lifecycle

6. Stages

6.1. Business modelling

6.1.1. Complete analysis of business carried out to determine flow of information

6.2. Data modelling

6.2.1. Data objects identified and defined and relations between them are established

6.3. Process modelling

6.3.1. Process descriptions for making any kind of addition or modification to data objects or retrieval of data objects are identified

6.4. Application generation

6.4.1. Actual system is developed using automated tools to generate code for final application

6.5. Testing and turnover

6.5.1. Prototypes are tested at each iteration Overall testing time is reduced However application interface and data flow between components must be tests thoroughly