5 FP ICT X MYP: Research and policy recommendations

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5 FP ICT X MYP: Research and policy recommendations by Mind Map: 5 FP ICT X MYP: Research and policy  recommendations

1. Policy

1.1. Promotion of specific ICT for MYP/YAR/Intermediaries (4)

1.2. Promotion of ethics inside the field (4)

1.3. More and better access for all everywhere to ICT and internet (4)

1.4. Promotion standards / open standards / european label (3)

1.5. Promotion of evaluation, impact assesment, Good practices (2)

1.6. Promotion of business and sustainable models (return of investment) (2)

2. Research

2.1. Better understanding of ICT use by YAR/MYP (8)

2.1.1. More Production of data sets (3)

2.2. Specific ICT developments (6)

2.3. Better understanding of participatory design / user-driven innovation / involvement of all stakeholders to ICT design (5)

2.4. Better understanding of transferability and scalabaility of existing ict-solutions (5)

2.5. Tools and methodologies for evaluation, monitoring and impact assesment (3)