5 FP ICT X MYP: Research and policy recommendations

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5 FP ICT X MYP: Research and policy recommendations by Mind Map: 5 FP ICT X MYP: Research and policy  recommendations

1. Research

1.1. Better understanding of ICT use by YAR/MYP (8)

1.1.1. More Production of data sets (3)

1.2. Specific ICT developments (6)

1.3. Better understanding of participatory design / user-driven innovation / involvement of all stakeholders to ICT design (5)

1.4. Better understanding of transferability and scalabaility of existing ict-solutions (5)

1.5. Tools and methodologies for evaluation, monitoring and impact assesment (3)

2. Policy

2.1. Promotion of specific ICT for MYP/YAR/Intermediaries (4)

2.2. Promotion of ethics inside the field (4)

2.3. More and better access for all everywhere to ICT and internet (4)

2.4. Promotion standards / open standards / european label (3)

2.5. Promotion of evaluation, impact assesment, Good practices (2)

2.6. Promotion of business and sustainable models (return of investment) (2)