1. Physical Well being
1.1. Lunch time Games.
1.1.1. Chaos
1.1.2. Gaelic Football
1.1.3. League Rugby
1.1.4. King Dodge.
1.1.5. Force Back.
1.1.6. cone Soccer.
1.2. Winter Sports Tournament.
2. Emotional/Mental well being
2.1. Right Choice Days
2.1.1. Games.
2.1.2. Disco
2.1.3. School Trips.
2.2. Camps.
2.2.1. Camp David
2.2.2. Highland Home
2.3. Year sixes leaving riverdale school
2.4. I.C.T
2.4.1. New node
2.5. I.C.T
2.5.1. Computers New node
3. Spiritual
3.1. R.E (Religious Education)
3.1.1. Different Peoples Religions/Culture. Pupua New Guinea. Christian Korean. Malaysia Islam. Maori
3.1.2. Caring for Others with different Religions. What they do. What they can't do.
3.2. QZealand!
3.2.1. Humor.
3.2.2. Invisible Crea
3.2.3. Quiddage
4. Social Well being.
4.1. Sports Group.
4.1.1. Hockey.
4.1.2. Touch Rugby.
4.1.3. Cricket.
4.1.4. Mini Ball
4.1.5. Tee Ball.
4.1.6. Netball
4.2. Electives.
4.2.1. Golf.
4.2.2. Daytona.
4.2.3. Movie Making.
4.2.4. Man VS Wild
4.2.5. Arts and Crafts.
4.2.6. Painting Ceramics
4.2.7. Horse Riding,
4.3. Disco
4.4. House Groups.
4.4.1. Athletics Day.
4.4.2. Cross Country.
4.4.3. New node
4.5. Inter School
4.5.1. Cross Country
4.5.2. Duathlon
4.5.3. Athletics Team.