Literary Devices used in Satire

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Literary Devices used in Satire by Mind Map: Literary Devices used in Satire

1. Hyperbole

1.1. an exaggeration of a speech to make it funny

1.1.1. How frightful and inhuman it is to cook people alive, and how very unchristian. (page 41) this is an hyperbole because the it exaggerates people who speak gibberish that they are not civilized and are man eaters. Voltaire is satirizing people who speak Gibberish because they cannot speak well and that they are abnormal than others so in this passage, he is saying they cook people alive.

1.1.2. so you are thinking of eating Jesuit today? (page 41) This is a hyperbole because it exaggerates the Jesuits saying that they will come and kill them. They are acting like they are scared in a sarcastic way, Voltaire satires the Jesuits, or christians that they are always in the antagonist.

2. Irony

2.1. using opposite language effect to humor someone.

2.1.1. He was about to continue, but words failed him when he saw the two girls throw their arms lovingly around the two apes and collapse in tears..... (page 40) It is weird for a human to go out with an ape because they are not the same race and type of animal. An irony is something to make it look awkward and it is just too awkward when a human dates an "ape." Voltaire uses this to satirize women that their minds get changed easily by looks and that they only look at the outside of men, not their inside.

2.1.2. How frightful and inhuman it is to cook people alive, and how very unchristian. (page 41) This is an irony because people usually do not eat other people. Irony of this is used that people are very nasty. Voltaire satirizes people without a function in their body. He is saying that people with disabilities are dirty and that they should not be with them.

3. Understatement

3.1. showing an importance subject look small or big.

3.1.1. that the second, fourth and sixth books of the Aeneid are rather fine; but as for his pious Aeneas, and his... (page 76) This shows that a great book of Aeneid are rather "fine." which meant a so- so book. He satirizes books that books of the Aeneid is useless

3.1.2. three thousand of them, and not three dozen decent ones. (page 77) This understates because three thousand is a lot and three dozen is a tiny amount compared, so this is understating the amount three thousand. Voltaire is satirizing about Candide that the world is not the best of possible worlds because there is more than what is less.

4. Allusion

4.1. Any reference to a statement.

4.1.1. it is a fine thing to write what one thinks; it is man's natural privilege, after all (page 77) This is a type of allusion because Pococuranté is refering to a man's privilege. Voltaire is satirizing the way people think in the society back then.

4.1.2. a good Anabaptists named Jacques, saw.... common in Holland (page 9) This is a type of Allusion because it seems like it refers to the bible, when it talks about baptizing people and that bad things happen. Voltaire is satirizing that an Anabaptists has no soul and only the shell and that they only care about themselves.

5. Oxymoron

5.1. using contradictory words with the opposite meaning.

5.1.1. Pangloss taught metaphysico-theologico-cosmo-nigology. (page 4) This is an oxymoron because it basically means changing physicaly study of nature and gods of space of nothing. Voltaire is trying to satirize philosophers that they can only think so that they are nothing. What else can they do rather than thinking?

5.1.2. do you believe that the Pope is an Anti-Christian? (page 9) A Pope is a christian, not an anti- christian. If he was an anti-christian, he wouldn't be the pope right now. Voltaire satirizes religion that pope in the christianity only care about themselves and not other which may make Voltaire think that he is an Anti-Christian, when a Pope is to take care of everyone and give them good advices.

6. Parody

6.1. Remake of an original that is made funnier

6.1.1. I will tell you everything, but first you must tell me everything. (page 17) This is a parody because it is a parody Romeo and Juliet, where Romeo meets at Juliet's place and that Romeo says that he loves her, but Juliet asks for Romeo to tell who he loves first. Voltaire is using connections to different authors in minor events like the love between Cunegondé and Candide.

6.1.2. why do you find it so strange that in some countries it is apes who enjoy the favours of young ladies? (page 40) This parodies the movie Peter Pan when Captain Hooke's monkey was lifting up the girl's skirt and liking her. Voltaire was satirizing ladies that they can just fall for anything that is handsome looking