Web 2.0 for the classroom

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Web 2.0 for the classroom par Mind Map: Web 2.0 for the classroom

1. Vodcast/Podcast

1.1. Podomatic

1.2. G-Cast

1.3. Odeo

1.4. Ustream

2. Media Sharing

2.1. Youtube

2.2. Flickr

2.3. Bubbleshare

2.4. Slideshare

3. Find out more? Try http://www.mindmeister.com/help

4. Social Networking

4.1. Ning

4.2. Elgg

4.3. Wordpress

5. Video Editing

5.1. Animoto

5.2. Jumpcut

6. Wikis

6.1. Wikispaces

6.2. pbwiki

6.3. Wikipedia

7. Collaborative sites

7.1. Google Docs

7.2. Gliffy

7.3. Mindmeister

7.4. Zoho

8. Social Bookmarking

8.1. Del.icio.us

8.2. Stumbleupon

9. Blogs

9.1. Edublogs

9.2. Blogspot

10. Chattering

10.1. Twitter

10.2. Cardboardfish

10.3. Pownce

10.4. Jaiku

11. Communication

11.1. Skype

11.2. Flashmeeting

11.3. MSN

11.4. Yackpack