Stuff Blows Up: What Action Texts have CARS as a predominant character/theme/setting, etc.?

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Stuff Blows Up: What Action Texts have CARS as a predominant character/theme/setting, etc.? por Mind Map: Stuff Blows Up:  What Action Texts have CARS as a predominant character/theme/setting, etc.?

1. Books

1.1. Crash, by JG Ballard

1.2. Christine

2. Films

2.1. Gone in 60 Seconds

2.2. The Fast and the Furious

2.3. Bullitt

2.4. Maximum Overdrive

2.5. Duel

2.6. The Wraith

2.7. Transformers

2.8. The Long Kiss Goodnight

3. Games

3.1. Grand Theft Auto

4. Graphic Novels

4.1. Sin City, by Frank Miller

4.1.1. The Big Fat Kill

4.2. Road to Perdition

5. Television

5.1. Transformers

5.2. Knight Rider

5.3. Dukes of Hazzard