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LMS por Mind Map: LMS

1. Definition: Software systems that assist in instructing students through online lectures or resources.

2. Purpose: To provide students the resources needed to learn at their own pace and convenience through an online format.

3. Classroom: LMS can be used in the classroom as a resource for students to access grades, assignments, lessons, and other resources that might be helpful in completing assignments. LMS can also be useful to parents by keeping them more involved in their child's education. Parents can look up their students grades, homework, lessons, and progress.

4. Online: LMS can be used for exclusive online classes. It offers students resources and gives them the ability to learn at their own pace, any time, and where. Not only can they complete their assignments, they can collaborate with classmates and instructors. They can view online lectures, power points, and participate in online discussions. Students have control of their education and can monitor their progress at anytime. Teachers can provide instruction through videos, conferencing, or audio and students can access lesson at their convenience.