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Communism by Mind Map: Communism

1. Who started it?

1.1. Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin

2. Why did it start?

2.1. Disapproved Capitalism as the rich were too rich and poor were too poor. There were also many poor people during that time period, which led Karl Marx to write an article to suggest that it ought to be resolved.

3. How did it rise?

3.1. Karl Marx's article was given out even though he died before he had completed it. Nevertheless, it was popular among the poorer people and led people fighting for it.

4. Why did it get popular

4.1. As there were many poor people during the time period, it was welcomed as an idea. To make things worse, Tsar Nicholas was a weak ruler without much control over his army. His army lost confidence in him after he sent them to participate in WWI. Despite the poor living and working conditions, as well as the high unemployment rate, Tsar Nicholas sent them to fight in the war and Russia suffered many defeats. Furthermore, peasants had to give up some of their produce to feed the Russian army and they didn't have sufficient to feed themselves., which escalated the unhappiness among the Russians. The tension and difficulties posed a excellent environment for the idea of communism to cultivate.

4.2. 1) A lot of poor people

4.3. 2) Bad living conditions

4.4. 3) Bad working conditions

4.5. 4) Many defeats in WWI

4.6. 5) Weak ruler who gained no respect

4.7. 6) Peasants had to give up produce to aid in war

4.8. High unemployment rate

5. Definition

5.1. Communism is a society which is classless, stateless, and moneyless, where goods are commonly shared.

6. Examples of Countries

6.1. Current Communist Countries: China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. Formerly Communist countries (by current name): Formerly part of the Soviet Union: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Other Asian countries: Afghanistan, Cambodia, Mongolia, and Yemen. Soviet-controlled Eastern bloc countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany (East), Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia. The Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Rep. of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. Africa: Angola, Benin, Dem Rep. of Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, and Mozambique.

7. History of Communism