Blitzed - Creative Writing

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Blitzed - Creative Writing by Mind Map: Blitzed - Creative Writing

1. I can see...

1.1. The shadows of other people

1.2. Dim figures

1.3. Darkness

1.4. Buildings on fire

1.5. Searchlights

1.6. Demolished buildings

1.7. Flames

1.8. Bodies

1.9. Smoke

1.10. Planes overhead

1.11. Blood

2. I can hear...

2.1. Planes overhead

2.2. Fires

2.3. Bombing

2.4. Screams

2.5. The fire fighters

2.6. Air-raid siren?

2.7. Crying/ weeping

2.8. Explosions

2.9. Fire enine sirens

3. I can smell...

3.1. Gas

3.2. Other people

3.3. Stone/ mortar

3.4. Sweat?

3.5. Burning wood

3.6. Rubbish

3.7. Human waste?

3.8. Smoke

4. I can touch...

4.1. The metal of the anti-aircraft guns

4.2. Fire

4.3. Rubble

4.4. Bodies

4.5. The ground shaking?

4.6. People huddling together

4.7. Hugs

4.8. Cold walls

4.9. Corrugated iron

4.10. Ashes

5. I can taste...

5.1. Potatoes

5.1.1. flavourless - no salt

5.2. Dirty water

5.3. Smoke

5.4. Ashes

5.5. grit

5.6. Very little chocolate

5.7. Very little fruit

5.8. Spam

5.9. Powdered egg

5.10. Powdered milk

5.11. Bully Beef

5.12. Blood