chap 2: infrastructure technology

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chap 2: infrastructure technology by Mind Map: chap 2: infrastructure technology

1. history of the web

1.1. 1945: Vannevar Bush - Memex

1.2. 1960's : Ted Nelson - hypertext

1.3. 1987: ted nelson - xanadu

1.4. 1989: tim berners lee - www

1.5. 1993: marx andreesen - mosaic

1.6. 1994: andreesen & clark - netscape

1.7. 2004: web 2.0

2. web languages

2.1. SGML

2.2. New node

3. web software

3.1. apache

3.2. IIS

3.3. HFS

3.4. server2go

3.5. easyPHP

4. history of the internet

4.1. 1960: Dept of Defense

4.2. 1969: ARPANet

4.3. 1972: email

4.4. 1974: TCP/IP

4.5. 1979: usenet

4.6. 1980's: NSF

4.7. 1993: CBC Peter Mansbridge

4.8. 1995: privatized

5. network technologies

5.1. protocols

5.1.1. newsgroups NNTP

5.1.2. web HTTP

5.2. hardware

5.2.1. routers

5.2.2. hubs

5.2.3. switches

5.2.4. gateway

5.3. New node

5.3.1. files FTP SFTP

6. New node