Denise's PLN Goal: to raise profile in ed. tech community & receive guidance, advice, inspiration...

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Denise's PLN Goal: to raise profile in ed. tech community & receive guidance, advice, inspiration from leading experts por Mind Map: Denise's PLN Goal: to raise profile in ed. tech community & receive guidance, advice, inspiration from leading experts

1. where I mine content/learn

1.1. print

1.1.1. Chron. of Higher Ed

1.1.2. Educause

1.1.3. The Economist

1.1.4. ISTE

1.1.5. Law Tech. News

1.2. online

1.2.1. Wikipedia

1.2.2. Google/G. Reader/RSS

1.2.3. Del.ic.ious

1.2.4. Digg

1.2.5. Harvard libraries

1.2.6. Facebook/Yard

1.2.7. iSites

1.2.8. Twitter

1.2.9. Youtube

1.3. people

1.3.1. experts

1.3.2. family

1.3.3. colleagues

1.3.4. friends

1.3.5. online networks

1.3.6. students

2. where I publish content/process what I have learned (and where I need to strengthen publishing :) )

2.1. Wordpress

2.2. Twitter

2.3. Facebook

2.4. The Yard

2.5. Del.ic.ious

2.6. conferences/workshops

2.6.1. presentations

2.7. courses I instruct

2.7.1. Exploring Ed. Tech

2.7.2. Capstone

2.8. full-time job

2.8.1. HLS Teaching, Curriculum & Publication group iSite trainings publications presentations workshops

3. known experts/connections

3.1. following 148 carefully vetted people involved with ed. tech. in some way on Twitter

3.1.1. i.e., Daniel Pink, Sir Ken Robinson, Tom Whitby, etc.

3.2. Ilona Holland

3.3. John Palfrey

3.4. John Zittrain

3.5. Ben Gaucherin

3.6. Dennis Saulnier

3.7. Paul Bergin

3.8. Katie Vale & FAS ATG Group

3.9. Kristin Sullivan

3.10. Carla Tishler

3.11. Catalina Laserna

3.12. Betsy Grady/Diane Tabor

3.13. Jaime Aide

3.14. Stacie Cassat Green

4. experts I'd like to know/know better

4.1. Howard Gardner

4.2. Henry Jenkins

4.3. Shelly Turkle

4.4. Stone Wiske

4.5. experts/contacts in Albany

5. finding new connections

5.1. experts I'd like to know better

5.2. authors of blogs

5.3. authors of articles/books

5.4. authors of twitter

5.5. prof. organizations I belong to/conferences/workshops

5.5.1. educuse

5.5.2. CALI

5.5.3. NERCOMP

5.5.4. Harvard Schools Law School DCE GSE HBS HBP HSPH HMS FAS HDS HKS

5.5.5. ABCD TIE Group

5.6. instructors of ed. tech.

5.7. instructional technologists

5.8. teachers/educators at other schools

5.8.1. k-12

5.8.2. higher ed

6. Communication/conversation/collaboration/networking tools

6.1. Skype

6.2. phone/pda

6.3. e-mail

6.4. Facebook

6.5. Elluminate (Web conferencing)

6.6. blogs

6.6.1. Wordpress

6.6.2. The Yard

6.7. Youtube

6.8. Linked In

6.9. Twitter

7. New node