DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES Games Development Context

Template for Context Mind Map Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies

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DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES Games Development Context by Mind Map: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES Games Development Context

1. 8.1 Investigate how data are transmitted and secured in wired, wireless and mobile networks, and how the specifications of hardware components impact on network activities (ACTDIK023)

1.1. comparing the reliability and speed of transmitting data through wireless, wired and mobile networks

1.1.1. Link to game play - how own developed games run on network vs alternatives; Investigate commercial / global environments available to gamers

1.2. Explore the process required to download apps to a mobile phone - what impacts the download speed?

2. 8.2 Investigate how text, image and audio data are represented in binary and how these are represented (ACTDIK024)

2.1. investigating the different representation of bitmap and vector graphics and its consequences

2.1.1. Link to game design and development - consequences for development (eg. this is one of Kodu's limitations - use of own graphics)

2.2. investigating how colours are represented in images and videos

2.2.1. Link to game design and use of elements/principles (see 8.6 and use of Adobe Kuler)

2.3. Discuss optimization strategies for game icons, sprites and background images.

2.4. Discuss different sound file formats and determine which formats would be best for sound effects vs background music

3. 8.5 Define and decompose real-world problems taking into account functional requirements and economic, environmental, social, technical and usability constraints (ACTDIP027)

3.1. determining the factors that influence proposed solution ideas

3.1.1. Design / Evaluate - exploration and establishment of criteria (eg. given from DT - user age affects the language used for instructions, dexterity affects the size of buttons and links, catering for impairments, etc. ) and link to target audience; Opportumity to also explore research and marketing invfluence on design

3.2. identifying that problems can be decomposed into sub elements

3.2.1. Design - Identifying the elements of game design such as characters, movements, collisions and scoring

3.3. starting from a simplified system, gradually increase complexity until a model of a real-world system is developed, and record the difficulties associated with each stage of implementation

3.3.1. Implementation - game developed can start simple and then build complexity, either individually or as part of team/group work

4. 8.6 Design the user experience of a digital system, generating, evaluating and communicating alternative designs (ACTDIP028)

4.1. designing the user interface of a solution using a range of design tools

4.1.1. Design / Evaluate - storyboard to explain the stages of a game, screen design - evaluate against criteria

4.2. identifying features that make an effective game,

4.2.1. Define / Design - explore and design game design eg. storyline, goal, reward, gameplay and environment

4.3. presenting and comparing alternative designs to a solution for a problem

4.3.1. Design / Evaluate - preparing alternatives, considering accessibility, comparing to criteria, etc.

4.4. applying the principles and elements of design to a series of solutions to evaluate the success of each solution to hold the viewer’s attention

4.4.1. Design - Integrating elements and principles of design (select a few to begin with eg. CARP), check out Adobe Kuler to view colour relationships - link to 8.2 and data representation

5. 8.7 Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, and trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors (ACTDIP029)

5.1. checking the accuracy of an algorithm before it is implemented

5.1.1. Design / Evaluate - walkthrough algorithm checking logic of algorithm design and meeting of criteria

5.2. using diagrams to describe key decisions

5.2.1. Design / Evaluate - flowchart, screen design (doesn't really represent programming but does illustrate intent and possibly key decisions w.r.t. interface)

5.3. using structured English to express algorithmic instructions

5.3.1. Design - Pseudocode (When - Do for Kodu)

6. 8.8 Implement and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching, iteration and functions in a general-purpose programming language (ACTDIP030)

6.1. developing and modifying digital solutions by implementing instructions contained in algorithms through programs

6.1.1. Design / Implement - develop game based on design (eg. pseudocode or flowchart)

6.2. programming a robot to recognise particular objects and to treat them differently

6.2.1. Implement - Programming objects based on colour (eg. Kodu)

6.3. creating digital solutions that provide user navigation and prompts with controlled repetitions

6.3.1. Implement - develop interactive game (eg. Kodu)

7. 8.11 Plan and manage projects, including tasks, time and other resources required, considering safety and sustainability (ACTIP033)

7.1. organising the instructions and files in readiness for implementation of a solution

7.1.1. Define / Design / Implement - Organisational skills - set naming conventions, back up procedures, etc.; prepare media - sprites, backgrounds, etc.

7.2. documenting the tasks that need to be done, their order and the resources that are needed to create solutions

7.2.1. Define / Design - Organisational skills - production plan; timeline; box planner; Gantt chart

7.3. devising and applying protocols to manage the collaborative creation of solutions

7.3.1. Define / Design / Implement - Group work - assigning roles to project development; meeting guidelines; establishing style guide; etc.

7.4. organising the timeline, resources, file naming conventions, back-up measures and sequence of tasks required to collaboratively create solutions that meet specified needs

8. 8.3 Acquire data from a range of sources and evaluate authenticity, accuracy and timeliness (ACTDIP025)

8.1. acquiring data from a range of sources

8.1.1. Evaluate - gather feedback from users (eg. survey) re: marketability, game play, improvements, etc.; or Design - when considering initial game ideas

8.1.2. Create / review end-user documentation

8.1.3. Acquire / use / implement documentation eg tutorials for use for development platform

9. 8.4 Analyse and visualise data using a range of software to create information, and use structured data to model objects or events (ACTDIP026)

9.1. describing the attributes of complex objects

9.1.1. Design / Implement - eg. Kodu understanding objects have properties, behaviours and actions

9.2. modelling the attributes of real-world objects for a computer game

9.2.1. Implement - depends on game developed as to how real world (eg. Kodu - curriculum packages)

10. 8.9 Evaluate how well developed solutions and existing information systems meet needs, are innovative and take account of future risks and sustainability (ACTIP031)

10.1. comparing developed solutions with existing solutions that solve similar problems

10.1.1. Define / Design - Investigation -existing games on community sites / forums

10.2. judging the quality of a developed solution based on specific criteria

10.2.1. Design / Evaluate - establishing and evaluating against criteria

10.3. investigating what features of touch input rather than keyboard or mouse input contribute to their success in meeting a wide range of needs

10.3.1. Design / Implement - Touch gestures incoporated into game (eg Kodu)

10.4. evaluating the success of information systems in meeting an economic, environmental or social objective

10.4.1. Evaluation - Link to established criteria

10.5. considering the effects of e-waste on societies and environments

10.5.1. Design - Potential theme for game (eg.Kodu has a factory object)

11. 8.10 Create and communicate interactive ideas and information collaboratively online, taking into account social contexts (ACTIP032)

11.1. establishing a set of ‘rules’ about acceptable and unacceptable behaviour when collaborating online

11.1.1. Define / Implement - Group work and/or using online software communities and forums - rules for copying, sharing, etc.

11.2. creating web-based information to meet specific needs

11.2.1. Design / Implement - Instruction and/or Help Manual/Page/Site for game creating

11.3. creating a web-based project that involves modifying an existing website template or writing HTML and cascading style sheets (CSS)

11.3.1. Design / Implement - Group work and/or individual - style guide