Community Sport in Scotland - Challenges/Opportunities

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Community Sport in Scotland - Challenges/Opportunities by Mind Map: Community Sport in Scotland - Challenges/Opportunities

1. Communicating the social outcomes of sport

1.1. Achieving the aims of Reaching Higher and Scotland Performs

2. Active AND Connected

2.1. Sport as social glue

2.1.1. Hubs as a 'home' for sport in the community

2.2. Creating Social Capital

2.2.1. potential link to NHS outcomes

2.3. Link to 2014 Legacy strategy

3. Building Pathways

3.1. Sporting

3.1.1. Multi-sport opportunities

3.1.2. Inclusive

3.2. Economic

3.2.1. Into employemnt Opportunity for modern apprenticeships?

3.3. Social

3.3.1. From diversion/casual sessions to club pathways

4. Capacity Building

4.1. Time, resources and expertise of key people

4.2. Clubs and Active Schools compliance with Local Authority and sportscotland Workforce planning

5. Partnership Working minefield

5.1. sportscotland

5.1.1. Regional Sports Partnerships

5.1.2. Institute of Sport x 6 regions

5.2. Governing Bodies

5.2.1. varying capacity levels

5.3. Schools

5.3.1. PPP huge variation in facility hire costs

5.3.2. Curriculum For Excellence do HT's realise how sport can help?

5.3.3. Active Schools varying standards high volume of communications control the communication channel to kids

5.4. Local Authorities

5.4.1. Single Outcome Agreements

5.4.2. Leisure Trusts

5.4.3. Funding withdrawn from sport-specific development officer posts

6. Sports for sports sake?

6.1. Sport for Performance or Sport for Development?

6.1.1. Policy shift towards social outcomes

7. Sustainable business models

7.1. How HUBS can help

7.1.1. Economies of scale

7.1.2. Broad range of income streams

7.1.3. Sharing best practice

7.1.4. Standard, lasting cost of facility access