Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

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Pragmatic Thinking and Learning por Mind Map: Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

1. Learn Deliberately

1.1. SMART

1.2. Invest

1.3. Discover

1.4. Study Groups

1.5. SQ3R

1.6. Mind Map

1.7. Document

1.8. See it. Do it. Teach it.

2. Gain Experience

2.1. Play

2.2. Similarities

2.3. Explore

2.4. Don't Judge

2.5. Fail

2.6. Groove

3. Manage Focus

3.1. Attention

3.2. Thinking Time

3.3. Wiki

3.4. Rules of Engagement

3.5. Email

3.6. Mask

3.7. Monitors

3.8. Workflow

4. Beyond Expertise

4.1. Wheel

4.2. Suggestions

5. Introduction

5.1. Software

5.2. Learner

5.3. Dead fish

5.4. Context

6. Get in Your Right Mind

6.1. Sensory

6.2. R-mode Leading

6.3. Metaphor

6.4. Step Away

6.5. Viewpoint

7. Journey from Novice to Expert

7.1. Einstein

7.2. Dreyfus Model

7.3. The Expert

7.4. False Confidence

7.5. Learning

7.6. Practice

7.7. Tool Trap

8. This is Your Brain

8.1. Dual Modes

8.2. Capture

8.3. Thinking

8.4. Design

8.5. Rewire

9. Debug Your Mind

9.1. Never

9.2. Uncertainty

9.3. Ink

9.4. Bet

9.5. Bugs

9.6. Breathe

9.7. Verify