PYP Transdisciplinary Skills

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PYP Transdisciplinary Skills by Mind Map: PYP Transdisciplinary Skills

1. Social Skills

1.1. Accepting Responsibility

1.1.1. knowing when you are wrong, being able to apologise Taking on and completing tasks in an appropriate manner; being willing to assume a share of the responsibility.

1.2. Respecting Others

1.2.1. Being aware of others feelings, knowing that others can also be right even though their way of thinking may be different. Listening sensitively to others; making decisions based on fairness and equality; recognizing that others’ beliefs, viewpoints, religions and ideas may differ from one’s own; stating one’s opinion without hurting others.

1.3. Cooperating

1.3.1. working together Working cooperatively in a group; being courteous to others; sharing materials; taking turns.

1.4. Resolve Conflict

1.4.1. compromise, being able to apologise, learning that you may not always get what you want Listening carefully to others; compromising; reacting reasonably to the situation; accepting responsibility appropriately; being fair.

1.5. Group Decision Making

1.5.1. working with others to problem solve Listening to others; discussing ideas; asking questions; working towards and obtaining consensus.

1.6. Adopt a variety of group roles

1.6.1. being adept in multiple areas, being a leader as well as someone who takes the back seat. Understanding what behaviour is appropriate in a given situation and acting accordingly; being a leader in some circumstances, a follower in others.

2. Thinking Skills

2.1. Acquisiton of knowledge

2.1.1. gathering, sorting information Gaining specific facts, ideas, vocabulary, remembering in a specific form

2.2. Comprehension

2.2.1. understanding information Grasping meaning from material learned; communicating and interpreting learning.

2.3. Application

2.3.1. using what you have learnt in new contexts Making use of previously acquired knowledge in practical or new ways.

2.4. Analysis

2.4.1. breaking down information Taking knowledge or ideas apart; separating into component parts; seeing relationships; finding unique characteristics.

2.5. Synthesis

2.5.1. using a combination of new and old information in new contexts Combining parts to create wholes; creating, designing, developing and innovating.

2.6. Evaluation

2.6.1. reflecting and making change Making judgments or decisions based on chosen criteria; standards and conditions.

2.7. Dialectical thought

2.7.1. Thinking about two or more different points of view at the same time; understanding those points of view; being able to construct an argument for each point of view based on knowledge of the other(s); realizing that other people can also take one’s own point of view.

2.8. Metacognition

2.8.1. using strategies to problem solve Analysing one’s own and others’ thought processes; thinking about how one thinks and how one learns.

3. Communication Skills

3.1. Listening

3.1.1. listening to other points of view, not interrupting Listening to directions; listening to others; listening to information.

3.2. Speaking

3.2.1. knowing your audience, adjusting communication Speaking clearly; giving oral reports to small and large groups; expressing ideas clearly and logically; stating opinions.

3.3. Reading

3.3.1. understanding language and being able to use that in common, everyday situations. Reading a variety of sources for information and pleasure; comprehending what has been read; making inferences and drawing conclusions.

3.4. Writing

3.4.1. understand written language Recording information and observations; taking notes and paraphrasing; writing summaries; writing reports; keeping a journal or record.

3.5. Viewing

3.5.1. being able to watch, interpret and understand visual information Interpreting and analysing visuals and multimedia; understanding the ways in which images and language interact to convey ideas, values and beliefs; making informed choices about personal viewing experiences.

3.6. Presenting

3.6.1. altering voice. pitch and pace appropriate for speaking in public Constructing visuals and multimedia for a range of purposes and audiences; communicating information and ideas through a variety of visual media; using appropriate technology for effective presentation and representation

3.7. Non-verbal

3.7.1. using your body to communicate Recognizing the meaning of visual and kinesthetic communication; recognizing and creating signs; interpreting and utilizing symbols

4. Self Management Skills

4.1. Gross Motor skills

4.1.1. large muscle movements- kicking a ball Exhibiting skills in which groups of large muscles are used and the factor of strength is primary.

4.2. Fine Motor skills

4.2.1. small muscle movements - holding a pencil Exhibiting skills in which precision in delicate muscle systems is required.

4.3. Spacial Awareness

4.3.1. being able to operate within the space around Displaying a sensitivity to the position of objects in relation to oneself or each other.

4.4. Organisation

4.4.1. operating Planning and carrying out activities effectively.

4.5. Time Management

4.5.1. using time wisely Using time effectively and appropriately.

4.6. Safety

4.6.1. understanding dangers around us, and how to keep ourselves and others safe Engaging in personal behaviour that avoids placing oneself or others in danger or at risk.

4.7. Healthy Lifestyle

4.7.1. eating the right things, exercising Making informed choices to achieve a balance in nutrition, rest, relaxation and exercise; practising appropriate hygiene and self-care.

4.8. Codes of behaviour

4.8.1. understanding the 'social norms', how to function within society Knowing and applying appropriate rules or operating procedures of groups of people.

4.9. Informed choices

4.9.1. knowing that our choices have consequences, and our choices affect others. Selecting an appropriate course of action or behaviour based on fact or opinion.

5. Research Skills

5.1. Formulating Questions

5.1.1. knowing how to phrase and ask questions to get a required response Identifying something one wants or needs to know and asking compelling and relevant questions that can be researched.

5.2. Observing

5.2.1. watching, noting Using all the senses to notice relevant details.

5.3. Planning

5.3.1. preparing Developing a course of action; writing an outline; devising ways of finding out necessary information

5.4. Collecting Data

5.4.1. gathering information Gathering information from a variety of first- and second-hand sources such as maps, surveys, direct observation, books, films, people, museums and ICT.

5.5. Recording Data

5.5.1. writing, noting down information Describing and recording observations by drawing, note taking, making charts, tallying, writing statements

5.6. Organising Data

5.6.1. grouping data into usable information Sorting and categorizing information; arranging into understandable forms such as narrative descriptions, tables, timelines, graphs and diagrams

5.7. Interpreting Data

5.7.1. sorting information Drawing conclusions from relationships and patterns that emerge from organized data.

5.8. Presenting Findings

5.8.1. interpreting information and presenting your understanding Effectively communicating what has been learned; choosing appropriate media.