Heartland is a realistic portrayal of a Singaporean boy’s search for identity. Do you agree?

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Heartland is a realistic portrayal of a Singaporean boy’s search for identity. Do you agree? por Mind Map: Heartland is a realistic portrayal of a Singaporean boy’s search for identity. Do you agree?

1. No, it is not realistic

1.1. Wing has to go through so many things, even in a day and ponders about so many meaningless issues e.g(HDB and who it belonged to) (JET)

2. Key words & ideas

2.1. realistic portrayal

2.1.1. definition realistic: given to the representation of things as they really are. portrayal: depicting or representing

2.2. search for identity

2.2.1. Where he belongs, what is his purpose in life. (jet)

2.3. Singaporean

2.3.1. What does it mean to be a Singaporean? (jet)

3. YES it is realistic

3.1. It is realistic as it taks about the problems wing faces in school, like tests, major examinatons and lousy test results. Something that every singaporean student will go through.(jeanette)

3.1.1. relationship problems that happen in real life occurs in the book

4. Yes, it is realistic

4.1. Its talks about National Service which all boys have to go through and about relationship issues which many have to deal with. (JET)

5. No it is not realistic

5.1. It is not realistic as the book shows many personal problems, things like wing not being his father's biological son. Not many singaporeans have these kinds of issues.(jeanette)