The Holocaust

An introduction to topics associated with the Holocaust.

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The Holocaust by Mind Map: The Holocaust

1. Camps

1.1. Einsatzgruppen

1.2. Forced Labor

2. Antisemitism

2.1. Voices on Antisemitism

2.2. Holocaust Denial

3. Rescue & Resistance

3.1. Raoul Wallenberg

4. Propaganda

4.1. State of Deception


5. Mosaic of Victims

5.1. Euthanasia Program

6. The Third Reich

6.1. Nazi Rise to Power

6.2. Kristallnacht

7. World War II

7.1. World War I

7.2. In the Pacific

8. Ghettos

8.1. Jewish Councils

8.2. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

9. Aftermath

9.1. Death Marches

9.2. Liberation

9.3. War Crimes Trials

10. United States

10.1. War Refugee Board

10.2. St. Louis