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Web 2.0 by Mind Map: Web 2.0

1. Communication

1.1. Stimulate discussion around brand (Forums)

1.2. External Online Communities

1.2.1. Hear Opinions

1.2.2. Experiences

1.3. Find out how to serve customer better

1.3.1. Crowdsourcing

1.4. Free public relations

1.5. Better all round employee, customer and supplier relations

1.5.1. Easy access to documentation Orders Complaints Source documents

1.5.2. Encouragement to improve product/service

1.5.3. Better employee productivity

1.6. Capture Knowledge

1.6.1. Know Employees

1.6.2. Meeting notes + Skills

2. Collaberation

2.1. Internal Collaberation

2.2. Organizations work better together

2.3. Connection across world

2.3.1. Employees of same interest group working together

2.4. Problem Sovling

3. Money

3.1. Big Money to be made

3.1.1. Big Market

3.2. Advertising

3.3. Inexpensive to set up

3.4. Cut costs

3.5. Low Cost web partners

4. Data

4.1. Remote Data Storage

4.2. Harness Collection of Data + Intelligence

4.3. Database of Information

4.4. Free flow of information

4.5. Unique data

5. Kline Moralee

5.1. Student Number: 10448463

5.2. Refrences

5.2.1. Business Week

5.2.2. Information Age

5.2.3. Computer Weekly

5.2.4. Zdnet

6. Business

6.1. Further business Goals

6.1.1. Better for long term

6.2. Web services

6.2.1. Free Ideas

6.2.2. Discover Talent

6.3. Business Network

6.4. Diverse Marketing

6.5. Assess the cultural fitting

6.6. Competitive advantage

6.7. Own web-based applications

6.8. Customer Self service

6.9. Products

6.9.1. Open Platforms

6.10. Open Business Models

6.11. Decrease in application development

6.11.1. Decrease in Time

6.12. Increase in business agility

6.13. Create Value

6.13.1. Maximizing Value of network

7. Web

7.1. Innovative, Creative, Valuable

7.2. Flexibility

7.3. Personalize

7.4. New node

7.5. Mash ups - Many services into one

7.6. Pay attention to web-trends

7.7. YouTube

7.7.1. Push videos to employees Customer use of product

7.8. Open API + SaaS

7.9. Blogs, wiki's, social networking, news sites