How Business Could Use Web 2.0

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How Business Could Use Web 2.0 por Mind Map: How Business Could Use Web 2.0

1. Examples

1.1. Social networking

1.1.1. Building online social communities Facebook

1.2. Video Sharing

1.2.1. Allows upload of video clips to the internet YouTube

1.3. Wikis

1.3.1. Collaborative web sites

1.4. Blogs

1.4.1. Informal, yet structured website Twitter

1.5. Mashups

1.5.1. Multiple sources of video

1.6. Folksonomies

1.6.1. Collaboratively creating and managing tags

2. Features and Techniques

2.1. Search

2.2. Links

2.3. Extensions

2.4. Authoring

2.5. Tags

2.6. Signals

3. Facebook

3.1. Create Groups

3.2. Search for new employees

3.3. Status updates with new information about the business

3.4. Advertise

4. Blogs

4.1. Allow for opinions and ideas to be shared

4.2. Allows for feedback

4.3. Allows business to gain information about thoughts of customers

5. What is it?

5.1. Interactive Internet-based services

5.1.1. New node

5.2. Interaction with other users

5.3. Can change content

6. Usage

6.1. Library 2.0

6.2. Classroom 2.0

6.3. Enterprise 2.0

6.4. Medicine 2.0

7. Twitter

7.1. Constant Updates

7.2. Clients are always in the know

7.3. Rapid changes to new information for clients

7.4. Market Research