Types of Hotels/Accommodations

A tool for filling in Hotel types and discovering the differences with hotel classification and the Scope of Hotels

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Types of Hotels/Accommodations by Mind Map: Types of Hotels/Accommodations

1. Hotel Name

2. Commercial Hotels

2.1. Hotel Name

2.1.1. Location

2.1.2. Size (N. of Rooms)

2.1.3. Rating/Type of Service

2.1.4. Ownership Type

2.1.5. Guest Target Market

2.1.6. U.S.P. - Trend

3. Suite Hotels

3.1. Hotel Name

3.2. Hotel Name

4. Extended Stay Hotels

4.1. Hotel Name

4.2. Hotel Name

5. Lifestyle / Boutique Hotels

5.1. Hotel Name

5.2. Hotel Name

6. ConferenceCenter and Convention Hotels

6.1. Hotel Name

6.2. Hotel Name

7. Residential Hotels

7.1. Hotel Name

7.2. Hotel Name

8. Resort Hotels

8.1. Hotel Name

8.2. Hotel Name

9. Bed-and-Breakfast Hotels

9.1. Hotel Name

9.2. Hotel Name

10. Vacation Ownership and Condominium Hotels

10.1. Hotel Name

10.2. Hotel Name

11. Casino Hotels

11.1. Hotel Name

11.2. Hotel Name

12. Alternative Lodging

12.1. Name

12.2. Name