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Horses by Mind Map: Horses

1. Breeds

1.1. Arabians are the most beautiful and oldest breedin the world.

1.2. Percheron's can weigh up to a ton or more.

1.3. Shire's can pull five tons.

2. The Veterinarian

2.1. If horses are too sick to be treated in barns they will moved to a clinic.

2.2. Vets treat accidents and diseases.

2.3. Horses meet his/her vet after they're born.

3. The Horse At Grass

3.1. Horses at grass need good-quality grass, safe fencing, and fresh water.

3.2. Horses need to be checked regularly for injury.

3.3. If grass is lacking:hay,grain,or salt it will be added to horses diet.

4. The Groomer

4.1. Horses see the groomer twice a day, 6 times a week.

4.2. Groomers can spot health, sadness, and behavior problems.

4.3. They are close in touch because they see horses troughout day.

5. Anatomy

5.1. Deep chest=large heart and lungs.

5.2. Horse vision can see all around to see danger.

5.3. Hoof wall needs trimming and filing.

6. Growing Foals

6.1. Foals wean at 5 to 6 months.

6.2. They make anything into a game. They even chew on mom's halters.

6.3. Foals reach 80% of height in the first year.

7. Gaits

7.1. Trot is a two beat gait.

7.1.1. Front and backfeet touch ground simultaneously.

7.2. When galloping, hooves hit ground separately

7.3. Walking and galloping=4beats trotting=2beats canter=3beats0

8. Body Language

8.1. Rolled-back eyes bared teeth =stay away.

8.2. Domestic horses feel safe to sleep on the ground.

8.3. When happy they will run and buck for fun.