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DRM by Mind Map: DRM

1. Software

1.1. Adobe

1.2. Microsoft

1.3. Online Platforms

2. ASHP's Perspective

2.1. Positive

2.1.1. Reduce exposure to file sharing

2.1.2. Reduce resale

2.2. Negative

2.2.1. DRM Server Server down means inaccessible content Maintained indefinitely

2.2.2. Rent another DRM platform

2.2.3. Frustrated users

3. Restrictions

3.1. Printing

3.2. Sharing

3.3. Copying

4. Pirate's Perspective

4.1. Zombie movie scenario

4.2. DRM is easy to circumvent

5. Case Studies

5.1. O'Reilly

5.2. Harry Potter

6. End User's Perspective

6.1. Positive

6.1.1. None

6.2. Negative

6.2.1. Library Fragmentation

6.2.2. Difficult to transfer

6.2.3. Forced to use applications and update them

6.2.4. DRM provider going out of business means books disappear forever

6.2.5. Requires internet connection