Social and e-learning Platform (Arleo)

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Social and e-learning Platform (Arleo) by Mind Map: Social and e-learning Platform (Arleo)

1. Open Source

1.1. jfusion

1.2. dolphin

1.3. mahara

1.4. drupal

1.5. ellg

1.6. etomite

1.7. pligg

1.8. buddypress

1.9. alfresco

1.10. moodle

1.11. claroline

1.12. dokeos

1.13. docebo

2. Premium

2.1. kickapps

2.2. mindtouch

2.3. igloo

2.4. jomsocial

3. web 2.0 tools

4. freeBasic + Premium

4.1. crowdvine

4.2. ning

4.3. socialcast

4.4. socialgo

4.5. groupsite

4.6. sprutz

4.7. mixxt

4.8. member-hub


4.10. grouply

4.11. bigtent

5. Free and Beta

5.1. wackwall

5.2. qlubb

5.3. bigtent

5.4. Google Groups

5.5. thatstoday

5.6. blastgroups

5.7. yuku

5.8. qlubb