Collaboration Camp Team A Scenario What If?

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Collaboration Camp Team A Scenario What If? por Mind Map: Collaboration Camp Team A Scenario What If?

1. When

1.1. 3/14/15 at 9:26 AM (registration) (pi Day)

2. Where

2.1. Windsor

2.1.1. St.Clair College Downtown campus

2.2. Participants from all over, major targeting across Ontario and Michigan.

3. Who

3.1. Anyone who can propose a "what if" scenario.

3.1.1. Which includes a trained dog if the treat is good enough

3.1.2. equity-seeking groups

3.2. Organizing Team

3.2.1. Mila - The Connector

3.2.2. Selena - The Critical Thinker

3.2.3. Eden - The Entrepreneur

3.2.4. Kacper - The Phantom of the Conference

3.2.5. Andrew - The Policy Wonk

3.3. Conference Speakers

3.3.1. Kathleen Wynne: Government of Ontario

3.3.2. Lesser known people doing awesome shit

4. What


4.2. What if the things we take for granted are no longer available? For example, what if there was a food shortage here in Canada?

5. Why

5.1. stimulate minds of all ages in counterfactual thought experiment

5.2. To provide a simulation of what could be rather than what is currently

5.3. To probe more preventative measures in the more immediate future

5.4. To bring together people that are part of the future not simply because they will be alive in it, but because they believe they can be part of it.