Fundamental Test Process

Provides an overview of Software Test process. Ideal for Junior Testers and who intend to take the ISQTB-ISEB exam. Visit my blog - If you don't have a MindMeister Mind Map account, register for free here -

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Fundamental Test Process by Mind Map: Fundamental Test Process

1. Planning & Control

1.1. Planning

1.1.1. Determine the scope, risks & objectives

1.1.2. Implement Test Policy / Strategy

1.1.3. Determine Test Approach

1.1.4. Determine resources required

1.1.5. Schedule the test activities

1.1.6. Determine the Exit Criteria

1.2. Control

1.2.1. Monitor activities

1.2.2. Compare progress Vs plan

1.2.3. Take control when required

2. Evaluating Exit Criteria & Reporting

2.1. Check logs against Exit Criteria

2.2. Assess if more test are needed or Exit Criteria need to be changed

2.3. Write Test Summary Report for stakeholders

3. Test Closure

3.1. Check planned deliverables

3.2. Close Incident Reports

3.3. Handover to maintenance

3.4. Finalise & archive testware / environment

3.5. Document acceptance of system

3.6. Analyse lessons learned for future projects & improve test maturity

4. Analysis & Design

4.1. Review the Test Basis

4.2. Eval Test Basis for testability

4.3. Identify & prioritise Test Conditions

4.4. Design & prioritise high level Test Cases

4.5. Identify Test Data

4.6. Traceability between Test Bases & Test Condition

4.7. Test environment & Infrastructure tools

5. Implementation & Execution

5.1. Test Implementation

5.1.1. Finalise, Implement & prioritise Test Cases

5.1.2. Create Test Data

5.1.3. Check environment ready

5.1.4. Create Test Suites

5.1.5. Develop & prioritise Test Procedures

5.1.6. Test harness / automated scripts (optional)

5.2. Test Execution

5.2.1. Execute Test Procedure as planned

5.2.2. Log the outcome

5.2.3. Compare actual vs expected

5.2.4. Report discrepancies as Incidents

5.2.5. Analyse Incidents for cause

5.2.6. Retest / Regression