1. counter argument
1.1. science complements religion
1.1.1. Definitions above not exactly the opposite of each other
1.2. "A legitimate conflict between science and religion cannot exist. Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein
2. Science
2.1. a system of acquiring knowledge based on empiricism, experimentation and methodological naturalism.
3. Conflicts
3.1. IVF & cloning/stem cell research
3.1.1. Catholic church is against the immoral use of human embryos for stem cell research. Advocates argue that it could be the solution for many who are awaiting transplants.
3.2. Euthanasia
3.2.1. this is seen to violate principles in many religions, for example that of people having the right to live The Roman Catholic church is one of the most active organizations against euthanasia; they feel that only God has the power to take life away; the religious view life as sacred
3.3. Creationism vs evolution
3.3.1. The Flying Spaghetti Monster: satirical protest against the decision of the Kansas State Board of Education to permit the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in schools.
3.4. science is very practical and is all about facts while religion is more related to one's beliefs and often cannot be proven in terms of existence
3.4.1. why science and religion are seen to conflict is because whatever science cannot explain, religion will try to do so; religion serves more as a moral guidance than an explanation for phenomena